• Ceramic Industry Indonesia: Bleak Local Demand, Exports Rise

    Elisa Sinaga, Chairman of the Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (ASAKI), still expects domestic demand for ceramic products to remain bleak as there are no signs of improvement originating from Indonesia's property sector (compared to last year). However, Indonesia's ceramic exports are expected to rise in 2017.

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  • Huibert Vigeveno: Indonesia Forms an Important Market for Shell

    Huibert Vigeveno, EVP Global Commercial at Royal Dutch Shell Plc, recently visited Indonesia and shared information about Shell's views on the Indonesian oil and gas market. Shell, a British–Dutch multinational oil and gas company, has a long - more than 100 years - history in Indonesia and seems committed to stay in Southeast Asia's largest economy for a long time as Vigeveno names Indonesia an important market for Shell.

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  • Unilever Indonesia to Invest $500 Million in Production Expansion

    Unilever Indonesia, one of the largest consumer goods producers in Indonesia, will continue to focus on the strengthening of its production lines. The company plans to invest up to USD $500 million over the next five years. Sancoyo Antarikso, ‎External Relations Director & Corporate Secretary at Unilever Indonesia, said the funds will be used to expand production capacity of the company's nine factories across Indonesia.

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  • Pharmaceutical Exports Indonesia Remain Under Pressure in 2017

    Exports of pharmaceutical products from Indonesia have declined due to increasing competition from China on the international market. Chinese pharmaceutical companies dominate export markets supported by China's low production cost environment and the availability of raw materials at home. However, despite this situation, the Indonesian Pharmacy Association (GP Farmasi Indonesia) remains optimistic that Indonesia's pharmaceutical exports can climb in 2017.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di bagian ini adalah pandangan penulis pribadi atau orang yang diwawancarai dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia Investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan di dalam kolom ini adalah hasil penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum