• Consumer Goods Companies in Focus: Unilever Indonesia

    The full-year 2016 corporate earnings of Unilever Indonesia, one of the largest consumer goods producers in Indonesia (if not the largest), were in line with analysts' estimates, supported by higher sales - both in terms of volume and prices. Unilever Indonesia's sales rose 11.4 percent year-on-year (y/y) to IDR 40.05 trillion (approx. USD $3.0 billion), while net profit rose 9.2 percent (y/y) to IDR 6.39 trillion (approx. USD $480 million) in 2016.

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  • Reed Panorama Exhibitions Gelar Megabuild Indonesia ke-16

    Reed Panorama Exhibitions (RPE) kembali akan menghadirkan ratusan pelaku usaha di bidang bahan bangunan, arsitektur, desain interior dan keramik dalam pameran tahunannya yang bertajuk Megabuild Indonesia 2017, yang akan dilaksanakan di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) dari 16-19 Maret 2017. Pameran tersebut akan digelar bersamaan dengan Keramika 2017 dan Jakarta Design Week 2017. Megabuild Indonesia 2017 merupakan pameran satu atap yang akan menjawab segala kebutuhan akan bahan bangunan dan elemen-elemen pendukungnya.

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  • 3 Key Information Technology (IT) Trends to Occur in Indonesia in 2017

    NetApp Indonesia, the local unit of the American multinational storage and data management company, predicts three main information technology (IT) trends in Indonesia in 2017: (1) data becoming the "new currency", (2) new platform models taking over, and (3) cloud computing becoming a key source of corporate growth. Ana Sopia, Country Manager NetApp Indonesia, explained that numerous companies, all over the world, are currently experiencing digital transformation challenges.

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  • Indonesian Coal Miner Bumi Resources Sees Better Times Ahead

    After years of concern amid scandals, debt woes and low coal prices, there seems light at the end of the tunnel for Indonesia's largest coal producer Bumi Resources, a listed miner controlled by the Bakrie Group. Although its audited earnings (covering full-year 2016) will be released next month, a source within Bumi Resources said the company will post its first profit since 2011. The miner's net income is expected to reach USD $101.6 million, improving significantly from a net loss of USD $2 billion in the preceding year.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di bagian ini adalah pandangan penulis pribadi atau orang yang diwawancarai dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia Investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan di dalam kolom ini adalah hasil penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum