• Oil & Gas Industry: Indonesia to offer Open Bid Split Tender Schemes

    There is few interest from the private sector to participate in Indonesia's oil & gas block tenders. Besides Indonesia's unconducive investment climate (that includes weak government management, bureaucracy, an unclear regulatory framework and legal uncertainty), low global petroleum prices have also managed to curb investors' enthusiasm. In a bid to entice private investors the Indonesian government has decided to change the concept for oil & gas tenders in 2016 from a fixed revenue split to an open bid split scheme.

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  • Indonesian Companies in Focus: Logistics Firm Mega Manunggal Property

    Mega Manunggal Property, an Indonesia-based logistics property company that is primarily focused on the development and provision of logistics facilities related to warehouses and office buildings, is expected to see rising net income and revenue in the years ahead supported by growing demand for modern warehouses, logistics services, enhanced operational efficiency, and an increase in rental prices. Mega Manunggal Property is part of the Argo Manunggal Group, a group that is active in various sectors including textile, steel, property, mining, and insurance.

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  • Indonesian Companies in Focus: Coal Miner Adaro Energy

    Adaro Energy, one of Indonesia's leading coal mining companies, is still plagued by the globe's weak coal prices. However, the company's estimated lower cash and operational costs give a positive boost to the miner's corporate earnings this year. According to Danareksa Sekuritas' estimates the cost of mining for Adaro Energy (outside royalty payments) will range between USD $26 - $28 per ton in 2016, slightly down from USD $28 per ton last year. Meanwhile, the miner's stripping ratio is expected to decline to 4.7x in 2016 (from 5.2x last year).

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  • Batik Industry of Indonesia Facing Five Main Challenges

    The batik industry of Indonesia has been under pressure. One stakeholder explained that this industry is currently facing five main challenges. Batik - recognized as a World Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO in 2009 - is traditional textile produced by using a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to cloth. There are several countries (as well as several regions in Indonesia) that produce batik but the most famous batik originates from the island of Java.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di bagian ini adalah pandangan penulis pribadi atau orang yang diwawancarai dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia Investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan di dalam kolom ini adalah hasil penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum