Regulation No. 10 of 2021 repeals Presidential Regulation No. 44 of 2016 on the List of Business Fields Closed and Business Fields Open with Requirements in the Field of Investment (this was always referred to as the ‘Negative Investment List’), and it repeals Presidential Regulation No. 76 of 2007 on Criteria and Requirements for the Formulation of Closed and Conditionally Opened Business Fields in the Investment Sector.

Regulation No. 10/2021 consists of 13 pages only, so it is an easy undertaking to go through the regulation and highlight the important points, particularly the changes it brings to the existing environment.


The full article is available in the February 2021 edition of our monthly report. This report can be ordered by sending an email to or a message to +62.882.9875.1125 (including WhatsApp).

Price of this (electronic) report:

Rp 150,000
USD $10,-
EUR €10,-

Take a glance inside the report here!




Poll Indonesia Investments

Your Opinion About the Indonesian Government's COVID-19 Strategies (PEN, PSBB/PPKM, Vaccines)?

Voting possible:  -


  • The government should do more to combat the crisis (31.9%)
  • No opinion (29%)
  • The government's policy approach is good enough (16.8%)
  • The gov't did too much, thereby damaging the economy (15.3%)
  • Raising capacity in the health industry is enough (7%)

Total amount of votes: 589
