Visa Free Entry into Indonesia Increased to 169 Countries
On March 10, 2016, the Indonesian President issued President Regulation number 21 of 2016 regarding Visits Without Visa (New Regulation). The New Regulation increases the amount of countries for which residents are allowed to enter Indonesia without a visa to 169 countries. Moreover, where previously the visa exemption only applied to leisure trips for the majority of the countries, under the New Regulation the reasons of visit also include other reasons for visit, including business meetings.
Purposes of Visits which no longer require a Visa
Previously, citizens of most countries could only visit Indonesia without a visa for leisure / tourist purposes. Only ASEAN countries could visit Indonesia without visa for other purposes, such as business meetings. Under the New regulation, the following purposes of visit are allowed for the 169 countries:
1. Leisure / tourism
2. Family visits
3. Social
4. Art and cultural
5. Government visits
6. Giving lectures or attend seminars
7. Meetings held by the Head Office or Representative Office in Indonesia
8. Transfer flights
A major positive point for businesses in Indonesia is that the new Regulation now allows business meetings without the requirement to obtain a business visa in Indonesia.
Countries which no longer need a Visa
Citizens of the following countries are allowed to enter Indonesia without a Visa:
169 Countries |
1. Albania | 31. Chad | 61. Haiti |
2. Algeria | 32. Chili | 62. Honduras |
3. Andorra | 33. China | 63. Hong Kong (SAR) |
4. Angola | 34. Commonwealth of Dominica | 64. Hungary |
5. Antigua and Barbadu | 35. Comoros | 65. Iceland |
6. Argentina | 36. Costa Rica | 66. India |
7. Armenia | 37. Croatia | 67. Ireland |
8. Australia | 38. Cuba | 68. Italy |
9. Austria | 39. Cyprus | 69. Ivory Coast |
10. Azerbaijan | 40. Czech Republic | 70. Jamaica |
11. Bahamas | 41. Denmark | 71. Japan |
12. Bahrain | 42. Dominican Republic | 72. Jordan |
13. Bangladesh | 43. Ecuador | 73. Kazakhstan |
14. Barbados | 44. Egypt | 74. Kenya |
15. Belarus | 45. Ecuador | 75. Kiribati |
16. Belgium | 46. England | 76. Kuwait |
17. Belize | 47. El Salvador | 77. Kyrgyzstan |
18. Benin | 48. Estonia | 78. Latvia |
19. Bhutan | 49. Fiji | 79. Laos |
20. Bolivia | 50. Finland | 80. Lebanon |
21. Bosnia Herzegovina | 51. France | 81. Lesotho |
22. Botswana | 52. Gabon | 82. Liechtenstein |
23. Brazil | 53. Georgia | 83. Luxembourg |
24. Brunei Darussalam | 54. Gambia | 84. Macao (SAR) |
25. Bulgaria | 55. Germany | 85. Macedonia |
26. Burkina Faso | 56. Ghana | 86. Madagascar |
27. Burundi | 57. Greece | 87. Malawi |
28. Cambodia | 58. Grenada | 88. Malaysia |
29. Canada | 59. Guatemala | 89. Maldives |
30. Cape Verde | 60. Guyana | 90. Mali |
91. Malta | 117. Portugal | 143. Sweden |
92. Marshall Islands | 118. Puerto Rico | 144. Switzerland |
93. Mauritius | 119. Qatar | 145. Taiwan |
94. Mauritania | 120. Romania | 146. Tajikistan |
95. Mexico | 121. Russia | 147. Tanzania |
96. Moldavia | 122. Rwanda | 148. Thailand |
97. Mongolia | 123. Saint Kitts and Nevis | 149. The Netherlands |
98. Monaco | 124. Saint Lucia | 150. Timor Leste |
99. Morocco | 125. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 151. Togo |
100. Mozambique | 126. Samoa | 152. Tonga |
101. Myanmar | 127. San Marino | 153. Trinidad and Tobago |
102. Namibia | 128. Sao Tome and Principe | 154. Tunisia |
103. Nauru | 129. Saudi Arabia | 155. Turkey |
104. Nepal | 130. Senegal | 156. Turkmenistan |
105. New Zealand | 131. Serbia | 157. Tuvalu |
106. Nicaragua | 132. Seychelles | 158. Uganda |
107. Norway | 133. Singapore | 159. Ukraine |
108. Oman | 134. Slovakia | 160. United Arab Emirates |
109. Palau | 135. Slovenia | 161. United States of America |
110. Palestine | 136. Solomon Islands | 162. Uruguay |
111. Paraguay | 137. South Africa | 163. Uzbekistan |
112. Panama | 138. South Korea | 164. Vanuatu |
113. Papua New Guinea | 139. Spain | 165. Vatican |
114. Peru | 140. Sri Lanka | 166. Venezuela |
115. Philippines | 141. Suriname | 167. Vietnam |
116. Poland | 142. Swaziland | 168. Zambia |
169. Zimbabwe |
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