This section has been discontinued. Daily updates on the performance of the Jakarta Composite Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange) are now presented in our Today's Headlines section.

  • Indonesia Stock Index Continues Upward Movement with 0.47% Gain

    The forming of a morning doji star indeed indicated that there was potential for continued upward movement of Indonesia's benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) despite the profit taking actions that emerged and limited the gain of the index (particularly those stocks that went into the overbought area). Factors that contributed positively to today's (21/01) performance of the Jakarta Composite Index were rising Asian stock markets and a rebound in commodity stocks as a number of commodities recorded slightly higher prices.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market Up 0.44% Despite Negative Market Sentiments

    The movement of Indonesia's benchmark stock index (known as IHSG or Jakarta Composite Index) on today's trading day (20/01) was rather volatile. Investors returned to the market after the fall of the index was limited at the end of last week. However, China's slowing economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2013 (7.7 percent) brought negative market sentiments. Still, foreign investors were net buyers of Indonesian stocks today and in combination with an appreciating rupiah exchange rate, the index rose 0.44 percent to 4,431.57 points.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market Update: Down 0.66% on Thursday amid Profit Taking

    On Thursday's trading day (16/01), Indonesia's benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index) fell victim to profit taking after two days of sharp gains (although the index did not came close to its gap at 4,393-4,398 points). The index was also pulled down due to the World Bank's pessimistic forecast for growth of Indonesia's economy as well as today's mixed Asian stock indices. Lastly, the continued Indonesia rupiah exchange rate depreciation contributed to negative market sentiments.

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  • Indonesia's Stock Market Continues to Rise amid Positive Global Markets

    Indonesia's Stock Market Continues to Rise amid Positive Global Markets

    Despite our concern that Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG or Jakarta Composite Index) would be susceptible to profit taking after the national holiday on Tuesday (14/01) as the IHSG rose signficantly on Monday (13/01), it continued its rise on Wednesday (15/01). The IHSG was supported by positive Asian indices that were influenced by strong US and European stock markets after the release of positive economic data in the USA and Europe. The depreciating rupiah exchange rate, however, limited the IHSG's gain.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di kolom-kolom ini adalah pandangan penulis atau orang yang diwawancarai saja dan karena itu tidak otomatis mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim pasar keuangan Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan dalam kolom ini adalah hasil dari penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum