This section has been discontinued. Daily updates on the performance of the Jakarta Composite Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange) are now presented in our Today's Headlines section.

  • US Debt Ceiling Agreement Results in Rising Jakarta Composite Index

    US Debt Ceiling Agreement Results in Rising Jakarta Composite Index

    The Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) rebounded on Thursday's trading day (17/10), supported by good news from the United States where finally an agreement was reached regarding the US debt ceiling. This agreement brought positive market sentiments on Asian stock markets, including the IHSG which rose 0.59% to 4,518.93 points. Moreover, Indonesia's minister of Economy Hatta Rajasa stated that Indonesia had not been significantly impacted by the US shutdown issue and this statement also managed to ease investors' concerns.

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  • After Public Holiday Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index Falls 0.61%

    The benchmark stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) was down 0.61 percent to 4,492.26 on its first trading day after the Idul Adha celebrations (when Muslims remember that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son to God). The main reason why the IHSG was down on Wednesday (16/10) was due to continued uncertainty about the US debt ceiling issue, while the deadline (17/10) is closing in. Fitch Ratings put US Treasury bonds on Rating Watch Negative, which might be a first step before a downgrade.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Rises Slightly amid Mixed Markets

    Although Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) started mixed on Wednesday (09/10), it gradually climbed as the trading day moved on. The country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate), which was kept at 7.25 percent by Bank Indonesia on Tuesday (08/10), continued to make a positive impact. However, negative market sentiments were brought on by the US shutdown as well as the downgrade of the IMF's outlook for world economic growth in 2013 and 2014. Lastly, the weakening IDR rupiah also implied negative market sentiments.

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  • Amid Political Turmoil in the USA, Indonesia's Rupiah and IHSG Rise

    Although part of the market players on Indonesia's Stock Exchange (IDX) engaged in profit taking after Indonesia's benchmark index (IHSG) climbed for two consecutive days, the index still posted growth of 0.71 percent to 4,418.64 points on Thursday (03/10). Factors that contributed to today's gain were the depreciating US dollar as no solution has been found yet concerning the shutdown, generally rising Asian stock indices and the positive message that is conveyed in the APEC meeting in Bali.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di kolom-kolom ini adalah pandangan penulis atau orang yang diwawancarai saja dan karena itu tidak otomatis mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim pasar keuangan Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan dalam kolom ini adalah hasil dari penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum