This section has been discontinued. Daily updates on the performance of the Jakarta Composite Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange) are now presented in our Today's Headlines section.

  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index (IHSG) Rises 0.96% on Wednesday

    Despite some appetite for profit taking, the key stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) was able to rise 0.96 percent to 4,387.60 points on Wednesday (02/10). The index was supported by the appreciating rupiah, a few rising Asian stock indices and foreign net stock purchases. The Indonesian rupiah rose against the US dollar as the latter was impacted upon by the debt ceiling and shutdown issue in the USA. Asian stock indices were mixed. Concerns about the shutdown were offset by rising Asian currencies against the US dollar.

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  • Indonesia's Deflation and Trade Data Impact on the IHSG and Rupiah

    Indonesia's Deflation and Trade Data Impact on IHSG and Rupiah

    On this week's second day of trading (01/10), the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) was able to post a 0.69 percent rise to 4,345.90 points despite ongoing concerns about the economic shutdown in the United States as discussions have not led to agreement about the country's debt ceiling. However, various data from Asia made a good impact. Indonesia's trade surplus in August and deflation in September contributed to positive market sentiments and provided a boost for the rupiah.

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  • Concerns about US Debt Ceiling Talks Impacts on Indonesia's IHSG

    Concerns about the US debt ceiling issue have a negative impact on stock indices around the world, including Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG). Market players fear a possible deadlock during the state budget discussions, which - if not resolved - will have a serious negative impact on the economy. Factors that contributed to negative market sentiments were the continued depreciating value of rupiah and weak openings of European stock indices. The IHSG fell 2.43 percent to 4,316.18 on Monday (30/09).

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  • Indonesia's Stock Index Slightly Up, but US Debt Ceiling Issue Looms

    Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) was up 0.40 percent to 4,423.72 on Friday (27/09). The gain was mainly carried by demand for a number of Indonesian blue chip stocks. Astra International rose 1.16 percent after Deutsche Securities Indonesia, Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia and Citigroup Securities Indonesia increased their stakes in one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates. Other blue chips that performed well were Perusahaan Gas Negara, Bank Mandiri, Telekomunikasi Indonesia and Indofood Sukses Makmur.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di kolom-kolom ini adalah pandangan penulis atau orang yang diwawancarai saja dan karena itu tidak otomatis mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim pasar keuangan Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan dalam kolom ini adalah hasil dari penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum