This section has been discontinued. Daily updates on the performance of the Jakarta Composite Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange) are now presented in our Today's Headlines section.

  • Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG) and Rupiah Are Extending its Losing Streak

    On Tuesday (20/08), Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) continued its decline with its fourth consecutive day of losses. Amid major concerns about Indonesia's economic growth, high inflation, tighter monetary policy and current account deficit, the IHSG fell 3.21 percent to 4,174.98 points. It means that the index now stands about 21 percent lower than its record peak in May 2013. Foreign investors have been pulling money out of the Indonesian market. According to Bloomberg, about USD $255 million has been retracted in the last two days.

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  • Why Did Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Fall on Monday?

    Why Did Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Fall on Monday?

    Analysts expect that Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) will end mixed today (20/08) after yesterday's large plunge amid heavy market concerns. Yesterday, the index dropped 5.58 percent to 4,313.52 points, the lowest since October 2011. Indonesia posted a current account deficit in the second quarter of 2013, while Thailand entered into a recession. The MSCI Emerging Market index¹, which includes both countries, fell 1.4 percent to a six-week low. Below a short overview of factors that caused negative sentiments on Indonesia's market.

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  • Profit Taking Turns Indonesia's Stock Index (IHSG) to Red Territory

    After two days of growth, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) became victim of profit taking on Thursday (15/08). Particularly domestic investors were eager to sell their Indonesian assets. Falling indices on Wall Street on Wednesday (14/08) in combination with global uncertainty about the end of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program made a negative impact on Asian stock indices, including the IHSG. Indonesia's central bank's decision to keep its benchmark interest rate at 6.50% was well-received by most investors.

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  • Amid Mixed Asian Markets Indonesia's Main Index Rises 1.02%

    After Wall Street turned back into the green zone on Tuesday (13/08) and was accompanied by continued rising stock indices in Europe, it provided good support for Asian stock indices on Wednesday (14/08), including Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG). Indonesian mining commodities and plantation stocks fell but these losses were offset by rising big cap stocks (particularly finance stocks) and speculation that Indonesia's central bank will keep its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 6.50 percent.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di kolom-kolom ini adalah pandangan penulis atau orang yang diwawancarai saja dan karena itu tidak otomatis mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim pasar keuangan Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan dalam kolom ini adalah hasil dari penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum