This section has been discontinued. Daily updates on the performance of the Jakarta Composite Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange) are now presented in our Today's Headlines section.
IHSG mampu bergerak positif di awal minggu ini melampaui ekspektasi kekhawatiran kami terhadap potensi pelemahan lanjutan setelah mencermati penutupan laju bursa saham AS dan Eropa yang variatif cenderung melemah akhir minggu yang lalu. Berbalik positifnya laju bursa saham Asia seiring ekspektasi penilaian akan adanya tambahan stimulus dari pemerintah Cina berimbas pada terapresiasinya IHSG. Pelaku pasar pun kembali memanfaatkan pelemahahan sebelumnya untuk akumulasi secara bertahap.
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Weakening global stock indices meant that it would be difficult for the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) to continue its upward movement on Tuesday (05/08). Moreover, there were few positive sentiments originating from the Archipelago as Indonesia’s Q2-2014 GDP growth (+5.12 percent year-on-year) was below expectation and the country’s trade balance showed a deficit of USD $300 million in June 2014. Meanwhile, the Indonesian rupiah exchange appreciated slightly.
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Indonesian stocks and the rupiah exchange rate showed great volatility on Tuesday’s trading day (22/07). In the first part of the day the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (known as Jakarta Composite Index of IHSG) and rupiah strengthened on speculation that market favourite Joko “Jokowi” Widodo would win the presidential election without riots or other incidents that could trigger political uncertainties. On Tuesday evening, the General Elections Commission (KPU) indeed officially declared Jokowi the winner of the election.
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One day ahead of the official result of the Indonesian presidential election, the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (known as Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) showed a good performance as market participants seem to speculate not only on a Joko Widodo win, but also on a peaceful and orderly course of events (no large scale demonstrations or riots). On Sunday, president Yudhoyono received both presidential candidates at the State Palace for dinner. This may have helped to cool some of the tension between supporters of both sides.
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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di kolom-kolom ini adalah pandangan penulis atau orang yang diwawancarai saja dan karena itu tidak otomatis mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim pasar keuangan Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan dalam kolom ini adalah hasil dari penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum