Indonesia Investments Released Its February 2025 Report: 'Roller Coasting into Ramadan'
On Wednesday 05 March 2025, Indonesia Investments released the February 2025 edition of its monthly report. The report discusses a range of national and international topics that impacted on Indonesia in the month of February 2025.
What Do We Discuss in the Report?
The first article is devoted to an analysis of Indonesia's new sovereign wealth fund, Danantara. We certainly also highlight the risks of having all state-owned assets and significant capital injections from the central government being managed by a small group of people in high political positions or with high political links. After all, corruption, bureaucracy and mismanagement are structural problems in Indonesia. Currently, there is actually a big scandal unfolding at Indonesia's state-owned energy giant Pertamina.
Secondly, the high arabica and robusta coffee bean prices are encouraging us to take a look at coffee farming in Indonesia. Coffee is one of the world's biggest coffee growers (especially on Sumatra), and the question is whether Indonesia can tap the potential of high coffee futures? In the article, we zoom in on Indonesia's coffee production, productivity, plantations and trade (export and import). We also put Indonesia into global perspective in terms of the global coffee market.
As usual, we offer a detailed overview of the latest released macroeconomic indicators of Indonesia to give an indication of economic growth in Q1-2025. Data include retail sales, consumer confidence, manufacturing, foreign visitor arrivals, credit growth, car sales, and more.
Another article zooms in on the second consecutive month of deflation that Indonesia experienced in February 2025. Just like the preceding month, it was the government's 50% electricity rate discount program that pushed energy prices down significantly. Even annual headline inflation is now below the zero point, something we last saw in early 2000.
And, of course, we also re-print our analysis of Indonesia's Q4-2024 and full-year 2024 gross domestic product (GDP) data in this February 2024 report.
Order the full February 2025 report here. The report (an electronic report, PDF, in English) can be ordered by contacting us through email and/or WhatsApp:
- +62(0)882.9875.1125
Price of this report:
Rp 125,000 (or equivalent in other currencies)
Take a glance inside the report here!
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