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Berita Hari Ini Population

  • Demographics & Economy: How Demographics Drive the Indonesian Economy

    Demographics & Economy: How Demographics Drive the Indonesian Economy

    It is always important to be aware of the direct (and close) link between a country’s population and national economy. A large population size, especially in combination with high growth/birth rates, implies the availability of a large workforce and strong domestic consumer market. This subsequently has a positive impact on the national economy.

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  • Subscriber Update: Indonesia's 2020 Population Census

    On 21 January 2021, Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik, or BPS) released its long-awaited ‘Population Census 2020’. This study gives us various crucial data on the Indonesian population, including population size, age structure, and birth rate.

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  • Digital Economy; What Makes Indonesia a Superb Playground for Online Business?

    The Internet has been one of the most revolutionary technologies in human history. It has made the world a much smaller place by revolutionizing communications. Internet has opened the doors to an enormous amount of information and data that are readily available by only a click or two (thereby completely changing the way people access and consume information). 

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  • Population Ageing: Indonesia Among the Least Affected Countries

    Indonesia is known for having a young (and big) population. Around half of the population is below 30 years of age. Indonesia's median age was estimated at 28.6 years in 2016. This means that one half of the population is older than 28.6 years, while the other half is younger than this figure. A new study confirms that Indonesia has one of the world's most productive (in theory that is) populations.

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  • World Bank: Indonesia Needs to Start Preparations for Ageing Population

    Indonesia is currently blessed with a demographic bonus as around half of the population is below thirty years of age. Meanwhile, Indonesia's National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) once stated that the number of Indonesians within the productive age group will be higher than the number of elderly people and children in the years 2025-2035. However, based on the latest research conducted by the World Bank, Indonesia will need to start preparations to deal with an ageing population.

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  • Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Indonesia Menguatirkan, Ungkap BKKBN

    Populasi penduduk Indonesia, yang berjumlah lebih dari 255 juta orang (data tidak resmi), bertumbuh dalam laju yang menguatirkan menurut Surya Chandra Surapaty, Kepala Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN). Saat ini, persentase pertumbuhan rata-rata penduduk Indonesia setiap tahunnya mencapai 1,49%. Ini berarti bahwa setiap tahunnya penduduk Indonesia bertambah 4,5 juta orang (hampir sama dengan jumlah penduduk Singapura).

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  • AkzoNobel Targets Indonesia as New Growth Market

    AkzoNobel, the Dutch multinational that is primarily engaged in the fields of decorative paints, performance coatings and specialty chemicals, stated that it has shifted its focus from China to Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Vietnam. Ton Buchner, Chief Executive Officer of AkzoNobel, said growth in China has lost its decade-long momentum and thus AkzoNobel will reduce investment realization in China and instead focus on new growth markets in Southeast Asia.

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  • Forget Short Term Turmoil, the Economic Rise of Asia has just Begun!

    Investors in Asian markets should not be overly concerned about slowing economic growth in China or bullish US dollar momentum ahead of higher US interest rates as economic growth rates in this region are still significantly higher than in other parts of the world. Thanks to a burgeoning middle class segment (which constitutes a strong consumer force), Asia has great prospects for the long-term. This is the message conveyed in the words of Christophe Palumbo, Senior Business Development Manager at Aberdeen Asset Management.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 5 April 2015 Released

    On 5 April 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as an analysis of March inflation, the new letter of credit (L/C) policy for key commodity exports, the appointment of Pertamina as operator of the Mahakam block, and more.

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  • Indonesian Consumer Goods and Retail Companies Post Good Financial Reports

    Indonesian listed retail and consumer goods companies continued to record good corporate earnings in the first quarter of 2014. Amid robust economic growth - although having slowed to 5.21 percent in Q1-2014 - Indonesians' purchasing power is growing and the middle class is expanding rapidly. Not too long ago, the World Bank said that per year seven million people are added to Indonesia's middle class. With more money to spend, these people consume more and more consumer goods such as food, clothes and electronics.

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Artikel Terbaru Population

  • IMF: Aging & Productivity Threaten Asia's Long-Term Economic Growth

    Based on the latest report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) we conclude that Asia has great economic prospects for the next decade to come. However, aging populations and sluggish productivity - the reversal of the so-called "demographic dividend" - are threats that are expected to undermine the region's economic growth in the long run. We draw these conclusions from the Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Outlook 2017, a report released by the IMF on Tuesday (09/05). Indonesia, however, falls in the "safe category" due to its young population.

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  • Family Planning Program of Indonesia, a Strategic Investment

    Although infrastructure development across the Indonesian nation is center of attention in the media, President Joko Widodo will not neglect the family planning program. Instead he seeks to revive the nation's family planning program. An effective family planning program is one of the key strategies to boost future economic growth because a low population growth rate translates into a higher per capita gross domestic product, which translates into higher incomes, higher savings, higher investment and implies a decline in overall poverty.

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  • Slowing Economy of Indonesia: Rising Youth Unemployment

    Hariyadi Sukamdani, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), expressed his concern about unemployment in Indonesia, particularly unemployment among the younger generation of Indonesians (aged between 15 and 29). Amid slowing economic growth over the past six years, various industries have been cutting employment. With roughly half of the total population below 30 years of age, Indonesia’s demographic bonus can turn into disaster if this potential workforce fails to obtain employment opportunities.

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  • Malnutrition in Indonesia: 8.4 Million Children Stunted!

    A new World Bank report, entitled “The Double Burden of Malnutrition in Indonesia”, says that 37.2 percent of Indonesian children under the age of five - or 8.4 million children - are stunted (meaning excessively small for their age) and suffer from chronic malnutrition. As such, Indonesia has the fifth-highest level of stunting in the world. The report also states that 19.6 percent of Indonesian children under five years old (approximately 4.4 million) are underweight as a result of malnutrition. Public awareness about this issue is low in Indonesia.

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  • Joko Widodo to Launch Indonesia’s One Million Houses Program in April

    One of the ambitious targets of the Indonesian government is the realization of the “One Million Houses Program”. Through this program - scheduled to be launched on 30 April 2015 in Central Java by President Joko Widodo - the government aims to provide adequate housing facilities to low income citizens. Over half of these houses will be built using funds from the country’s state budget. State funds will also be used to finance the Housing Loan Liquidity Facility, government-backed mortgages for low-income people.

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  • Japan's Mitsui Confident in Long-Term Prospects of Investing in Indonesia

    Mitsui & Co, one of the largest trading companies in Japan, believes that Indonesia is one of the most prospective investment destinations for the middle and longer term. After Brasil and Chile, Indonesia is currently the third-largest investment market for Mitsui & Co, which is part of the Mitsui Group. The latter has stakes in various sectors including energy, food, logistics and finance. The CEO of Mitsui & Co, Masami Iijima, stated that Indonesia is lucrative due to its large and young population as well as its rapidly expanding middle class.

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  • Standard Chartered Bank: Indonesian Economy Expands 5.8% in 2014

    The Standard Chartered Bank expects Indonesia's economy to expand 5.8 percent in 2014, followed by a 6 percentage growth in 2015 as an improving global economy has a positive effect on emerging economies, including Indonesia. The world economy is estimated to grow between 3.2 and 3.5 percent this year and expected to accelerate to 3.8 percent in 2015. David Mann, the regional Head of Research at the Standard Chartered Bank in Asia, said that Indonesia's economic performance in 2013 was negatively influenced by external factors.

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  • From BRIC to MINT Countries: Will Indonesia Become a Powerhouse?

    Over a decade ago, economist Jim O'Neill became famous for the introduction of the term BRIC (indicating the promising economic perspectives of Brazil, Russia, India and China). Now the BRICs have lost some of its significance, he has turned to a new acronym: MINT. These MINT countries - consisting of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey - share a number of features that make them potential giant economies in the future: promising demographic structure, strategic geographical location, and commodity-rich soil.

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  • Poverty Rate of Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2013 due to Higher Inflation

    Indonesia's poverty rate is expected to jump to between 11.13 and 11.37 percent of the total Indonesian population in 2013 due to inflationary pressures. Inflation may reach 9.2 percent at the year end. The new poverty forecast is significantly higher than the government's original target of 9.5 to 10.5 percent as set in the country's State Budget. The revised forecast was presented by Indonesia's Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas). Poverty basket inflation is expected to rise accordingly.

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