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Berita Hari Ini Currencies

  • How Much Money Can I Carry when Traveling to Indonesia?

    Starting from March 5, 2018, Indonesian citizens as well as foreigners need to be a bit more careful when bringing foreign-denominated cash money into Indonesia. A new Bank Indonesia regulation sets a IDR 1 billion (approx. USD $75,000) ceiling on the total amount of foreign cash money an individual can bring into Indonesia.

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  • Peraturan Bank Indonesia ‘Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah’ Mulai Berlaku

    Pada 1 Juli 2015, Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 17/3/PBI/2015 tentang Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia mulai berlaku. Peraturan BI ini, ditandatangani pada 31 Maret 2015, melarang penggunaan mata uang asing dalam transaksi di Indonesia dalam rangka memperdalam pasar domestik rupiah, menstabilkan rupiah (yang telah melemah terhadap dollar AS), dan mendorong ekspansi perekonomian. Undang-Undang sebelumnya (UU No. 7/2011) mengizinkan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak untuk membuat kesepakatan menggunakan mata uang lainnya (bukan rupiah) untuk pembayaran.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Rate Update: Up on Data from China and Japan

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate has appreciated 0.50 percent to IDR 11,779 per US dollar by 16:00pm local Jakarta time on Monday (09/06). This performance is in line with the general trend in Asia where emerging market currencies strengthened against the greenback on today’s trading day. The rupiah is among today’s best-performing emerging currencies as it was boosted by the higher trade surplus of China (one of Indonesia’s most important trading partners) and economic growth in Japan.

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  • Asian Development Bank Outlook 2014 'Fiscal Policy for Inclusive Growth'

    According to the Asian Development Bank's latest annual Asian Development Outlook (which provides an analysis of economic performance for the past year and near future), developing Asia is expected to extend its steady growth. The region’s growth is projected to edge up from 6.1 percent in 2013 to 6.2 percent in 2014 and 6.4 percent in 2015. Moderating growth in China (PRC) as its economy adjusts to more balanced growth will offset to some extent the stronger demand expected from the industrial countries as their economies recover.

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  • Use of Bitcoin as Payment Instrument Banned by Indonesia's Central Bank

    The use of bitcoin, the hotly debated digital currency that was launched in 2009, is banned by the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia). This week, Bank Indonesia released a press release in which it states that the bitcoin and other virtual currencies are not considered as currencies nor legal payment instruments in Indonesia. After China, Denmark and Russia, Indonesia has become the next country to ban the use of the bitcoin as it can jeopardize the country's financial stability according to the assessment of the bank.

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Artikel Terbaru Currencies

  • Yuan Becomes Reserve Currency But Impact Will Be Limited

    Broad activity in the financial markets has been limited over the last few weeks, as holiday-thinned trading conditions have slowed volatility in most of the commonly watched assets. A large part of the reasoning behind this can be seen in the fact that market moving news headlines have not been seen and most investors are still looking for ways to identify the most likely direction to follow in the equities space.

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  • How Can a Foreigner (Expat) Open a Foreign Currency Bank Account in Indonesia?

    Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK) issued a new regulation that simplifies the opening of a foreign currency bank account by a foreign national (expat). A circular, S-246/S.01/2015 (dated 15 September 2015 and signed by OJK Chairman Muliaman D. Hadad), has been sent to all directors of Indonesian commercial banks that conduct business in foreign currencies. This new rule, part of the economic policy package that was released by the Indonesian government on 9 September, aims to boost foreign currency funds in Indonesia and support the rupiah.

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  • Banking in Foreign Currencies for Expats in Indonesia Made Easier

    Soon it will be easier for foreigners (expats) to have a foreign currency bank account (non-rupiah) in Indonesia. Muliaman D. Hadad, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), stated it is bound to issue a new regulation that allows for easier banking in foreign currencies in Indonesia. This regulation is made in an effort to raise the country’s foreign exchange reserves and support the ailing rupiah.

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  • Update Keuangan Indonesia: Rupiah Jatuh akibat Perubahan Ekspektasi Global

    Kalau kita memperhatikan aktivitas jangka panjang rupiah, kita telah melihat kekuatan yang mengejutkan dalam aktivitas beberapa bulan terakhir. Hal ini mengejutkan karena beberapa alasan yang berbeda dan tidak serupa dengan keadaan pasar negara berkembang lain di Asia. Secara esensial ini menyarankan bahwa aktivitas perekonomian di wilayah ini telah agak kurang berhubungan dan bahwa trend yang tampak di satu negara tidak bisa diprediksi sama di negara lain. Namun ketika kita melihat grafik aktivitas di rupiah sendiri, kita bisa melihat trend secara umum telah mulai berubah di dua bulan terakhir.

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  • Bagaimana Trend Dollar Memberikan Dampak pada Rupiah Indonesia?

    Selama setahun terakhir, rupiah telah menguat terhadap berbagai jenis mata uang asing. Namun penguatan ini tidak berlaku terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat (AS). Pada periode waktu yang sama, rupiah menguat terhadap mata uang asing lainnya dan sebaliknya rupiah melemah terhadap dollar AS. Untuk banyak investor yang berfokus pada pasar mata uang, mungkin tampaknya seakan dua mata uang ini hanya sedikit berhubungan. Namun, kalau kita melihat trend yang berkembang selama setahun terakhir, menjadi jelas bahwa keadaannya tidak seperti itu.

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  • Update Rupiah: Dapatkah Kebijakan Amerika Serikat Membebani Rupiah?

    Kalau kita melihat aktivitas pasar rupiah, sangat jelas bahwa beberapa trend telah mulai terjadi. Terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat (AS), rupiah menunjukkan pelemahan selama ini. Banyak investor mulai melihat bahwa pelemahan rupiah sudah overdone dan kita mulai melihat para analis yang menyuarakan bahwa rupiah akan menguat dalam beberapa bulan ke depan. Namun ada juga argumen melawan prospek ini dan penting bagi siapa pun yang berinvestasi di aset-aset Indonesia untuk memahami beberapa faktor ini, untuk bisa mengambil posisi yang tepat.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate Rebounds from Six-Year Low

    Contrary to the previous trading day, most emerging Asian currencies strengthened against the US dollar on Tuesday (09/12) supported by the yen’s advance as falling oil prices dented risk appetite. Based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index, Indonesia’s rupiah appreciated 0.47 percent to IDR 12,331 per US dollar today. Despite local firms’ increased US dollar demand to settle debt before the year-end, market participants were happy to learn that Indonesia’s central bank is active in the foreign exchange market to guard the currency.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate Update: Slightly Appreciating

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate appreciated slightly on Wednesday (11/06). According to the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the currency of Southeast Asia’s largest economy appreciated 0.04 percent to IDR 11,810 per US dollar. Reuters reported that the euro zone's monetary easing in combination with the recent improvement in China's economy offset the impact of higher US yields on Asia. However, investors are still waiting for several data, including the BI interest rate, the Eurozone’s industrial production, and US retail sales.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Appreciates 0.25% but Sentiment still Negative

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate appreciated 0.25 percent to IDR 11,860 per US dollar according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index on Thursday (05/06). However, this is not expected to be the start of an appreciating trend for the currency as there are still various domestic and international factors that place pressure on the rupiah. Contrary to the Bloomberg Index, Bank Indonesia's benchmark rupiah rate (Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate, abbreviated JISDOR) depreciated 0.54 percent to IDR 11,874 against the US dollar today.

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  • US Higher Yields and Trade Deficit Concerns Impact on Indonesian Rupiah

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate continued to depreciate further on Wednesday (04/06). According to the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the currency of Indonesia had weakened 0.38 percent to IDR 11,855 per US dollar by 15:00pm local Jakarta time. The depreciation occurred due to US dollar demand from local importers for payments and renewed concern about the country's trade balance. Today's performance of the rupiah is in line with the performance of other Asian currencies as investors return to the US dollar on higher US yields.

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