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Artikel Terbaru Nationalism

  • Conservatism Rising in the US & EU – Are there Lessons to Be Learned for Indonesia?

    Conservatism Rising in the US & EU – Are there Lessons to Be Learned for Indonesia?

    In terms of politics, the most interesting developments in June 2024 probably came from abroad. Firstly, on 28 June 2024, US President Joe Biden (aged 81) and former President Donald Trump (aged 78) squared off for the first presidential debate of the US election season. It’s worth taking a quick look at this debate as it will influence who will become leader of the world’s biggest political and economic force.

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  • Sejarah Indonesia: Politik dan Ekonomi di Bawah Sukarno

    Pada pertengahan 1960an, perpolitikan dan perekonomian di Indonesia berada di dalam bencana. Setelah kemerdekaan di tahun 1945 (dan penghentian konflik dengan Belanda di tahun 1949), negara muda ini dilanda dengan politik internal yang berbahaya karena beberapa kekuatan politik - termasuk militer, nasionalis, partai-partai Islam, dan komunis - saling berlawanan satu sama lain. Selama satu dekade, Sukarno, Presiden pertama Indonesia, cukup sukses untuk membendung ancaman dari kekuatan-kekuatan ini dengan menggunakan kekuatan kharismanya. Namun, pada pertengahan 1960an, kegagalannya terbukti nyata.

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  • Presidential Election Indonesia 2014: 2nd Television Debate Jokowi-Prabowo

    Sunday evening (15/06), the second debate between Indonesia’s two presidential candidates - Prabowo Subianto and Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo - was held. This debate was broadcast live on various Indonesian television stations and - once again - managed to become a trending topic on social media. The debate, the theme of which was ‘development of the economy and social welfare‘, was characterized by a nationalistic and protectionist tone. This tone had already been set by Subianto in the past weeks but now Jokowi also stressed protectionism.

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