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Berita Hari Ini Kawasaki

  • Produsen Sepeda Motor Indonesia Memotong Produksi Akibat Daya Beli

    Sama dengan industri otomotif, industri sepeda motor Indonesia juga merasakan dampak dari penurunan permintaan sejauh ini di tahun ini. Karena perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia dikombinasikan dengan suku bunga domestik yang tinggi dan melemahnya nilai rupiah, daya beli masyarakat Indonesia telah berkurang dan karenanya para konsumen Indonesia telah menjadi lebih berhati-hati dalam membeli sepeda motor dan mobil. Akibatnya, jumlah stok sepeda motor di dealer-dealer lokal telah meningkat dan salah satu cara untuk menjaga rasio penawaran-permintaan yang sehat adalah dengan mengurangi produksi sepeda motor.

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  • Motorcycle Sales in Indonesia Fall on Declining Purchasing Power

    Domestic motorcycle sales in Indonesia declined 5 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 680,642 units in October 2014 (from the same month last year). Particularly weaker sales of the underbone motorcycle impacted negatively on total October motorcycle sales. As people are concerned about a looming subsidized fuel price hike this month (causing accelerated inflation, thus curbing people’s purchasing power), consumers postpone the purchase of a motorcycle. The government is expected to raise prices of subsidized fuels by almost 50 percent.

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  • Motorcycle Sales in Indonesia Rebound in September 2014

    Motorcycle sales in Indonesia increased 16.0 percent month-on-month (m/m) to 711,857 units in September 2014. Sigit Kumala, Chairman for Commercial Affairs at the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (AISI), said that improved motorcycle sales are caused by the start of the harvest season in several regions across Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Successful harvests have put downward pressure on commodity prices and thus have a positive impact on Indonesian’s purchasing power.

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Artikel Terbaru Kawasaki

  • Indonesia's Car & Motorcycle Sales Fell Sharply in 2015

    Both car sales and motorcycle sales declined in 2015 in Indonesia. Primary reason for this decline was people's weaker purchasing power amid the slowing economy and persistently low commodity prices. Indonesia's GDP growth is estimated to have fallen to 4.7 percent year-on-year (y/y), the slowest growth pace since 2009. Meanwhile, amid the sluggish global economy (especially China's slowdown) and falling oil prices, Indonesia gains relatively little from its commodity exports.

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