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Berita Hari Ini Indonesian Footwear Association

  • Pertumbuhan Ekspor Sepatu Indonesia Berlanjut di 2016

    Sementara pasar domestik tetap lamban, ekspor alas kaki dan produk sepatu Indonesia menunjukkan tren yang lebih positif. Asosiasi Alas Kaki Indonesia (Aprisindo) memperkirakan ekspor alas kaki nasional naik 6,8% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) menjadi 4,7 miliar dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada tahun 2015. Berdasarkan data terbaru dari Kementerian Perdagangan di Indonesia, ekspor alas kaki/sepatu Indonesia mencapai 3,66 miliar dollar AS pada periode bulan Januari-Oktober 2015, naik 10% dari ekspor pada periode yang sama di tahun sebelumnya. Eddy Widjanarko, Ketua Aprisindo, menambahkan bahwa ekspor telah meningkat baik dari segi nilai dan volume.

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  • Indonesia’s Footwear Industry Hurt by Minimum Wage Growth Uncertainty

    Foreign investors continue to be concerned about rapidly rising minimum wages in Indonesia. In Indonesian media it was reported that a total of sixteen investors, mostly from South Korea and Japan, cancelled their plans to establish footwear factories in Indonesia due to uncertainty over Indonesian minimum wage growth. In the last couple of years, minimum wages in Indonesia have grown sharply, possibly as a result of politicians looking for popular support ahead of regional elections.

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  • Footwear & Shoe Industry of Indonesia: Sales Fall in Q3-2014

    Domestic sales of footwear in Indonesia declined 20 percent (y/y) to IDR 4.8 trillion (USD $393 million) in the third quarter of 2014 according to data from the Indonesian Footwear Association (Asosiasi Persepatuan Indonesia, abbreviated Aprisindo). Meanwhile, exports of Indonesian footwear declined as well but not as much as domestic sales. In fact, in terms of value, footwear exports increased due to the rupiah exchange rate that has depreciated considerably against the US dollar.

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