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Berita Hari Ini European Union

  • Indonesia-EU Biodiesel Dispute: WTO Rules in Favour of Indonesia

    Indonesia-EU Biodiesel Dispute: WTO Rules in Favour of Indonesia

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled in favour of Indonesia in a case against the European Union (EU) involving shipments of palm oil-based biodiesel. The case started in 2019 after the EU decided that palm oil-based diesel is not considered a biofuel due to its link to deforestation. As such, its use in transport fuel across the EU would need to be phased out between 2023 and 2030.

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  • More Companies from the European Union Invest in Indonesia

    There is a rising trend of investment from the European Union (EU) into Indonesia. This is no surprise considering the improving economy in Europe. Based on data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the EU is now the fourth-biggest foreign investor in Indonesia, after Singapore, China and Japan.

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  • Indonesia to File WTO Complaint over EU's Anti-Dumping Duties on Biodiesel

    Indonesia is set to file a complaint at the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) later this month over the anti-dumping duties that were imposed by the European Union (EU) on biodiesel exports from Indonesia. Since the implementation of these anti-dumping duties in 2013 - ranging between 8.8 to 20.5 percent or €76.94 to €178.85 per ton - Indonesia's biodiesel exports to the EU plunged severely, from USD $625 million in 2013 to an estimated USD $9 million in 2017.

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  • EU Big Market for Indonesian Palm Oil, but Big Challenges Remain

    The European Union (EU) is a key export market for Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) producers. The EU consumed 6.3 million tons of CPO in full-year 2015, 65.2 percent of which (about 4.2 million tons) originated from Indonesia, the world's biggest palm oil producer and exporter. After India, the EU is Indonesia's biggest client in terms of CPO shipments. However, despite the big market for Indonesian CPO in the EU, there are major challenges for Indonesian CPO exporters due to negative (anti-palm oil) campaigns launched in the EU.

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  • World Bank: Brexit Won't Impact Negatively on Indonesia

    When the United Kingdom (UK) decided to leave the European Union (the so-called Brexit) through a referendum that was held on 23 June 2016, global markets were in shock. While these markets and the UK economy have recovered from the shock (although the pound remains near a 30-year low and Britain lost its AAA rating implying that the cost of government borrowing becomes higher) there are still some concerns about the (negative) impact of Brexit on emerging market economies in Asia, including Indonesia.

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  • Brexit is Real, Britain Leaves the European Union, Global Impact

    Indonesian assets are under pressure on Friday (24/06) due to the exiting of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU). After votes of yesterday's referendum were counted the so-called "Brexit"is a reality. Nearly 52 percent of the 16.1 million voters chose to depart from the EU. Shortly after the news UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced he is to step down in October. Meanwhile, global financial markets are in deep red territory as investors are in search of safe haven assets such as the US dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, and gold.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market & Rupiah: Brexit Looms, Financial Markets in Shock

    As voting results are being collected chances are growing that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union (the so-called "Brexit"). After results from 314 of a total of 382 UK voting districts have been collected, the leave camp leads by 3.8 percent. As a result the pound sterling is on track for its largest-ever one-day fall. Meanwhile, stock markets in Asia show deep losses, led by Japan's Nikkei 225 index and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (both tumbling more than three percent).

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  • Referendum: UK to Leave EU? What Is the Impact of 'Brexit' on Indonesia?

    Today (23/06), some 46.5 million UK voters are expected to show up for a massive decision. Since UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced that he will respect the outcome of the referendum, the decision whether the United Kingdom will leave the European Union is in the hands of the UK voters. The latest polls still indicate that the outcome of the referendum is too close to call. The first reliable preliminary reports about the outcome of the referendum are expected to be published on Friday morning around 05:00 am local UK time, or 11:00 am local Jakarta time. 

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  • Indonesian Tea Export Plagued by Drought and High Anthraquinone Level

    Due to the El Nino-inflicted drought that has plagued Indonesia in 2015 (curtailing output o agricultural commodities, the country's tea exports are expected to plunge by 40 percent year-on-year (y/y) to about 48,000 tons this year. The El Nino in 2015 is one of the strongest on record. This weather phenomenon, which occurs once every five years on average, involves periodical warm ocean water temperatures off the western coast of South America that can cause climatic changes across the Pacific Ocean, leading to severe droughts in key agricultural-producing countries in Southeast Asia.

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  • Indonesia to Stop Complying with European Union's Palm Oil Standards

    The Indonesian government will (temporarily) stop using sustainability standards designed by the European Union regarding crude palm oil (CPO). Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli said the current strict standards of the European Union hurt the domestic palm oil industry, especially smallholders. Moreover, Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's two largest CPO producers and exporters, are to set up a new intergovernmental palm oil council that will design new rules and standards regarding sustainable palm oil production.

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Artikel Terbaru European Union

  • Conservatism Rising in the US & EU – Are there Lessons to Be Learned for Indonesia?

    Conservatism Rising in the US & EU – Are there Lessons to Be Learned for Indonesia?

    In terms of politics, the most interesting developments in June 2024 probably came from abroad. Firstly, on 28 June 2024, US President Joe Biden (aged 81) and former President Donald Trump (aged 78) squared off for the first presidential debate of the US election season. It’s worth taking a quick look at this debate as it will influence who will become leader of the world’s biggest political and economic force.

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  • Industri Kehutanan Indonesia: Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK)

    Menjelang implementasi rencana aksi Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) di Uni Eropa (UE) pada 1 April 2016, para negara anggota UE meminta semua produk kayu dan timber yang diekspor dari Indonesia ke UE memiliki sertifikat Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK). SVLK adalah sebuah sistem di Indonesia yang didesain untuk menverifikasi legalitas produk-produk kayunya. Sementara itu rencana FLEGT UE didesain untuk melawan illegal logging dan meningkatkan manajemen hutan di seluruh dunia.

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  • Small Gain for the IHSG after the Chinese New Year Celebrations

    It seems that the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) was blessed by the Chinese new year celebrations as it closed higher on Monday than on the previous trading day. This is a better performance than usual on the days around the new year. If we take a look at the period 2008-2012, the IHSG declined three times on the day before new year, and twice on the day after. This year, the IHSG declined on the day before by -0.26% and increased by 0.27 on the day after.

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