Tag: Democracy
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Berita Hari Ini Democracy
Prabowo Subianto Officially Inaugurated as Indonesia’s Eight President
Live Updates & Blog: Indonesia's 2024 Presidential & Legislative Election
Today -14 February 2024- a total of 204.8 million Indonesian voters are allowed to visit the ballot boxes to vote for their preferred presidential candidate and political party for the 2024-2029 period. Voting takes place between 07:00 am and 13:00 pm (local time).
Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) Passes Revised Criminal Code Bill into Law
Considering the news seemed to have gone viral across the globe it is certainly worth devoting attention to Indonesia’s new Criminal Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, or KUHP). It is an important one because is the body of laws regulating how crimes are punished in Indonesia.
In Memoriam: Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (1936–2019), Third President of Indonesia
On 11 September 2019, Bacharuddin Jusuf (B.J.) Habibie passed away at the respectable age of 83 at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Central Jakarta. By the end of his life B.J. Habibie had become a true statesman, respected across Indonesia, and therefore the central government immediately declared three days of national mourning shortly after his passing. This means that the Indonesian flag (merah-putih) is positioned at half-mast during the three days following his death (12-15 September 2019).
Indonesia Investments' Research Report Released: May 2019 Edition
On Tuesday (11/06) Indonesia Investments released the May 2019 edition of its monthly research report. The report aims to inform the reader of the key political, economic and social developments that occurred in Indonesia in the month of May 2019 and also touches upon key international developments that impacted on the Indonesian economy.
Local Elections Indonesia: Who Are Winning Based on the Exit Poll?
On Wednesday (27/06) around 150 million people are estimated to have cast their vote for the local elections in 169 regions across Indonesia (in two Papuan districts elections were delayed due to administrative and security reasons). There have not been any reports of disturbances (including fraud) and we can therefore assume that the elections went peacefully (and fair) across Indonesia.
Regional Elections in Indonesia: Indonesia Votes for Local Leaders
Today (09/12) millions of Indonesians head to the ballot boxes to vote for new regional leaders i.e. nine provincial governors, 36 mayors, and 224 district heads. These elections are important as the process of decentralization in the post-Suharto era has transferred considerable authority and power to the regions. As such, the regions now have a larger role and greater responsibility regarding economic development. Around 100 million people are eligible to cast a vote in the world's third-largest democracy. Today, 9 December 2015, has been declared a public national holiday.
Political Update: Pact Awesome Indonesia & Red-White Coalitions
Tensions within Indonesian parliament may have eased after the two opposing coalitions signed a limited power-sharing pact on Monday (17/11) after weeks of negotiations. This pact is expected to reinforce investor confidence in Indonesian politics amid improved political certainty. Previously, parliament was divided into two rival coalitions: the Awesome Indonesia Coalition (Koalisi Indonesia Hebat), which backs Indonesian President Joko Widodo, and the Red-White Coalition (Koalisi Merah-Putih), which is led by Prabowo Subianto.
Inauguration Joko Widodo Boosts Indonesian Stocks, Bonds & Rupiah
Indonesian stocks, bonds and the rupiah exchange rate performed well ahead of - and during - the inauguration of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as Indonesia’s seventh President on Monday morning (20 October 2014). At 10:45 am local Jakarta time, when Jokowi was making his speech in front of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), the Jakarta Composite Index had surged 1.36 percent to 5,097.25 points, while the rupiah had appreciated 0.78 percent to IDR 12,015 per US dollar according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index.
Artikel Terbaru Democracy
Complex Regional Elections of Indonesia Become A Bit More Complex Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
In recent times, almost each year can be called a ‘political year’ for Indonesia as a big number of elections – especially at the regional level – need to be organized in this vast archipelago. Considering there are 34 provinces in Indonesia, containing 514 regents (kabupaten) and cities (kota), we see elections almost every year.
Civil Society’s Increasing Autonomy and Political Development
The recent elections in Indonesia reinforced the durability of many historical trends in political and social conflict and development—specifically, the paramount importance of Islamic civil society organizations in the structuring of political conflict. Although often used to denote violent or rogue activity, ‘political conflict’ is a term used here to broadly characterize the oppositional dynamics within the formal political society sphere—the arena in which parties and politicians contend.
Local Elections Indonesia: Run-Up to the 2019 National Elections
The local elections that are held tomorrow (Wednesday 27 June 2018) are regarded a run-up to Indonesia's 2019 legislative and presidential elections. Tomorrow's results are a barometer to measure the political mood in the country with regard to next year's elections. After all, residents in the nation's four most populous provinces - West Java, East Java, Central Java, and North Sumatra - will visit the ballot boxes to vote for new governors. In total, 17 governors, 39 mayors and 115 regents will be elected across Indonesia on Wednesday.
Events to Watch This Week: Local Elections & Bank Indonesia Policy Meeting
This week two domestic events need to be carefully watched by those who invest in Indonesian assets: (1) the local elections that are scheduled for Wednesday 27 June, and (2) Bank Indonesia's monthly policy meeting that is scheduled for 27-18 June. Lets take a closer look at these events.
Presidential Election Indonesia 2019: Another Jokowi-Prabowo Battle?
Indonesia's 2019 presidential election is likely to become another battle between incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Gerindra party Chairman Prabowo Subianto. Both men had already been engaged in a fierce contest in 2014, one that was only narrowly won by Jokowi. On Wednesday evening (11/04) Subianto formally accepted the mandate of the Gerindra party to compete as presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election (scheduled for 17 April 2019).
Remarkable News Indonesia: to Insult or Criticize the President?
In the past couple of days Indonesian media touched upon the government’s proposal to revive a law that had been removed by Indonesia’s Constitutional Court in 2006. This law makes the act of insulting the Indonesian president an illegal act and can lead to prison sentences and fines. Criticism on the government’s proposal immediately emerged as several legislators and human rights activists fear that freedom of speech will be curtailed in the young democracy. Moreover, it can further erode public support for President Joko Widodo.
Rupiah Exchange Rate Indonesia: Why Did it Appreciate on Wednesday?
The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate appreciated 0.76 percent to IDR 12,481 per US dollar on Wednesday (21/01) based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. The performance of the rupiah was in line with most other emerging Asian currencies as Japan’s yen strengthened (against the US dollar) after Japan’s central bank announced to maintain an accommodative monetary policy in an attempt to boost inflation to two percent (y/y). Furthermore, speculation about quantitative easing in Europe boosted attractiveness of riskier Asian assets.
Battle Jokowi-Prabowo; Democratic Future of Indonesia in Jeopardy?
More and more concerns have arisen recently regarding the democratic future of Indonesia. In fact, some media have reported that an impeachment of president-elect Joko Widodo, who will assume office on 20 October 2014, could become a reality as opposition in parliament - led by controversial and vindictive former army general Prabowo Subianto - is large. The Merah-Putih coalition, referring to the coalition of political parties that supported Subianto in the presidential election (which he narrowly lost to Widodo) will control 353 of the 560 seats in parliament.
Despite Sharp Rupiah Depreciation, Indonesian Stocks Rise 0.18%
The benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index, abbreviated IHSG) rose 0.18 percent to 5,142.01 points on Monday (29/09) despite the sharp depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate. Possibly market participants took advantage of relatively cheap blue chip stocks after the 1.3 percent drop on Friday (26/09) caused by negative market sentiments brought about by the parliament’s passing of a bill which abolishes direct voting of regional leaders. Foreign investors recorded net selling of IDR 542.4 billion.
Elections Signals Big Questions on Indonesia's Future Democracy
Recent elections in Indonesia have met with a great deal of attention and look to be a decisive moment for the country. We are looking at a country that has major financial problems and also is making a decision about the direction of its democracy. Prabowo Subianto has pledged to conduct a rollback in some of the aspects of Indonesia’s democracy. So the supporters of Indonesian democracy will be watching very closely to see how the recent election events will unfold.
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- Rupiah (1131)
- Indonesia Stock Exchange (760)
- Inflation (733)
- GDP (698)
- Bank Indonesia (624)
- Federal Reserve (562)
- Jakarta Composite Index (507)
- China (457)
- IHSG (413)
- Infrastructure (408)
Berita Hari Ini
- Alarming Capital Outflows from the Jakarta Composite Index on Tuesday
- Consumer Price Index of Indonesia: Electricity Discounts Cause Deflation in February
- What’s up with the Indonesian Economy? Looking at the Latest Macroeconomic Data
- Indonesia Investments Released Its February 2025 Report: 'Roller Coasting into Ramadan'
- Consumer Price Index of Indonesia: Prabowo’s Electricity Discounts Caused Big Deflation