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Berita Hari Ini Demographics

  • Demographics & Economy: How Demographics Drive the Indonesian Economy

    Demographics & Economy: How Demographics Drive the Indonesian Economy

    It is always important to be aware of the direct (and close) link between a country’s population and national economy. A large population size, especially in combination with high growth/birth rates, implies the availability of a large workforce and strong domestic consumer market. This subsequently has a positive impact on the national economy.

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  • Political, Economic & Social Developments in Indonesia: January 2021 Report

    On Friday 05 February 2021 Indonesia Investments released its January 2021 report. The report zooms in on key economic, political, and social developments in Indonesia in January 2021. Special attention is given to Indonesia's COVID-19 immunization program (do we expect to see setbacks?), household consumption amid the COVID-19 restrictions, the Sriwijaya Air crash, and Indonesian demographics.

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  • 12th World Islamic Economic Forum Opened in Indonesia's Jakarta

    The 12th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF), held in Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta between 2 - 4 August 2016, was opened today by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and newly appointed Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. The WIEF brings together government leaders, industrial leaders, academic scholars, regional experts, professionals and corporate leaders to discuss opportunities for business partnerships in the Muslim world. The 12th WIEF, attended by some 2,500 delegates from 69 nations, carries the theme "Decentralizing Growth, Empowering Future Business".

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  • Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Indonesia Menguatirkan, Ungkap BKKBN

    Populasi penduduk Indonesia, yang berjumlah lebih dari 255 juta orang (data tidak resmi), bertumbuh dalam laju yang menguatirkan menurut Surya Chandra Surapaty, Kepala Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN). Saat ini, persentase pertumbuhan rata-rata penduduk Indonesia setiap tahunnya mencapai 1,49%. Ini berarti bahwa setiap tahunnya penduduk Indonesia bertambah 4,5 juta orang (hampir sama dengan jumlah penduduk Singapura).

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  • Jakarta is the World’s Largest Twitter Base: Twitter to Open an Office

    Twitter, the online social networking and microblogging service, plans to open an office in Jakarta within the next six months as the number of Indonesian Twitter users has grown rapidly in recent years. In 2013, Indonesia had 29 million Twitter users, making it the world’s fifth-largest Twitter community after the USA, Brazil, Japan and the UK. The American social media giant already owns five offices in the Asia-Pacific region. Similar to other companies, Twitter waited until after the elections before expanding to Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 27 April 2014 Released

    On 27 April 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as investment realization in Q1-2014, a revision of the Negative Investment List, company profiles of Adaro Energy and Astra Agro Lestari, and more.

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  • Minister Agung Laksono: Population of Indonesia is Growing Too Fast

    Minister of People’s Welfare Agung Laksono said that Indonesia's current population growth pace is alarming and immediate action is needed to reduce the country's growth and birth rates. Laksono made this statement after opening the National Congress on the Population Program, Family Planning and Family Development in 2014 on Wednesday (12/02). According to the Minister, family planning programs have not had much success over the past decade. If not acted upon, the population number can exceed government projections.

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  • Indonesia Will Be the World's Fifth most Populous Country by 2050

    The Institute of Demographic Studies released a report which claims that by the year 2050, the world population will increase to 9.7 billion from the current number of 7.1 billion. India is expected to become the most populous country, surpassing China. At the end of this century the number of people on earth will amount to around 10 or 11 billion. A report of the United Nations, released in June, suggests that by 2050 the total number of people that is 60 years of age or older will amount to two billion (from 841 million currently).

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  • Indonesia's Idul Fitri Traffic Causes many Accidents, Casualties and Injuries

    According to Indonesia's police department, heavy traffic caused by the Idul Fitri celebrations resulted in the deaths of more than 471 people as well as 740 seriously injured people in over 2000 traffic accidents. Most accidents are caused by drivers that fall asleep during the journey. Idul Fitri marks the end of the holy fasting month (Ramadan) and is one of the major national holidays in Indonesia. This year Idul Fitri fell on Thursday 8 August and, as usual, is accompanied by the tradition that Indonesians travel back to their places of birth.

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  • Standard Chartered Bank Positive about Indonesia's Economic Potential

    Standard Chartered Bank expects economic growth in Indonesia in 2013 to remain robust at 6.2%. The bank believes this is a realistic assumption amid global economic uncertainty and higher subsidized fuel prices which limits people's purchasing power. The greatest pillar of support for Indonesia's GDP growth is domestic consumption, and which is supported by Indonesia's demographic composition as the country not only has a large population (over 240 million people), but also a young one (half of the population is below thirty years of age).

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Artikel Terbaru Demographics

  • Family Planning Program of Indonesia, a Strategic Investment

    Although infrastructure development across the Indonesian nation is center of attention in the media, President Joko Widodo will not neglect the family planning program. Instead he seeks to revive the nation's family planning program. An effective family planning program is one of the key strategies to boost future economic growth because a low population growth rate translates into a higher per capita gross domestic product, which translates into higher incomes, higher savings, higher investment and implies a decline in overall poverty.

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  • Chamber of Commerce of Indonesia: Unemployment is a Crucial Problem

    Chairman of Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Suryo Bambang Sulisto stated that the most crucial problem which Indonesia is facing currently as well as in the foreseeable future is unemployment. Sulisto said that while the population of Indonesia has grown continuously in the past decade, unaffected by family planning programs, employment opportunities have not grown accordingly. In fact, they have declined. At end-2013, Indonesia's unemployment rate stood at 6.3 percent (of the total labor force).

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  • Revenue or Health: Dilemma of Curbing Indonesia's Tobacco Consumption

    Widespread cigarette consumption among Indonesians (especially men) can have a negative impact on the country’s current demographic bonus. One of Indonesia’s strongpoints in terms of economic make-up is that it has a large and young, thus potentially productive, population. Indonesians in the productive age (15 to 64 years) outnumber those that are categorized as youth (below 15 years) and elderly (over 65 years). This large productive group should provide a boost to Indonesia’s economy in the next two decades.

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  • Japan's Mitsui Confident in Long-Term Prospects of Investing in Indonesia

    Mitsui & Co, one of the largest trading companies in Japan, believes that Indonesia is one of the most prospective investment destinations for the middle and longer term. After Brasil and Chile, Indonesia is currently the third-largest investment market for Mitsui & Co, which is part of the Mitsui Group. The latter has stakes in various sectors including energy, food, logistics and finance. The CEO of Mitsui & Co, Masami Iijima, stated that Indonesia is lucrative due to its large and young population as well as its rapidly expanding middle class.

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  • From BRIC to MINT Countries: Will Indonesia Become a Powerhouse?

    Over a decade ago, economist Jim O'Neill became famous for the introduction of the term BRIC (indicating the promising economic perspectives of Brazil, Russia, India and China). Now the BRICs have lost some of its significance, he has turned to a new acronym: MINT. These MINT countries - consisting of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey - share a number of features that make them potential giant economies in the future: promising demographic structure, strategic geographical location, and commodity-rich soil.

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  • Indonesia Most Popular Investment Destination for Japanese Expansion

    According to a survey of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), 44.9 percent of respondents assessed Indonesia as the most promising investment destination for the next three years. The respondents in this survey involved 500 Japanese companies that engage in international businesses. For Indonesia it is the first time in 21 years that it forms the preferred choice of overseas investments for Japanese companies, thus replacing China. In 2013, Japan already dominates foreign direct investment in Indonesia.

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  • Poverty Rate of Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2013 due to Higher Inflation

    Indonesia's poverty rate is expected to jump to between 11.13 and 11.37 percent of the total Indonesian population in 2013 due to inflationary pressures. Inflation may reach 9.2 percent at the year end. The new poverty forecast is significantly higher than the government's original target of 9.5 to 10.5 percent as set in the country's State Budget. The revised forecast was presented by Indonesia's Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas). Poverty basket inflation is expected to rise accordingly.

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  • Government Target: Indonesia's Unemployment Rate to 5.7% in 2014

    The government of Indonesia has the ambition to reduce Indonesia's unemployment rate to about 5.7 percent in 2014. This ambition was pronounced by Armida Alisjahbana, the minister of National Development Planning. According to the latest data released by Statistics Indonesia, the country's unemployment rate currently stands at 5.92 percent. The minister stressed that the unemployment target of 6 percent that was set in Indonesia's National Medium Term Development Plan to be reached in 2014, has already been achieved.

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