• Overview of Widodo Administration (2014-2019); Accomplishments and Failures

    There was a new kid on the block in national politics ahead of Indonesia's 2014 elections. Joko Widodo (often called Jokowi), gained tremendous popularity among Indonesians when he was Governor of Jakarta (2012-2014). This popularity was based on his humble background as well as his humble behavior, his eagerness to reform existing structures and patterns, and his “pro-people” attitude. Previously, Widodo (who is an ex-furniture businessman) had been mayor of Solo (Central Java) from 2005 to 2012. His time as mayor was a success. However, he would really step into the national spotlight once he had won Jakarta’s gubernatorial election in 2012.

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  • Presidential and Legislative Elections of Indonesia: Our Views on the Unofficial Results

    Indonesia Investments carefully followed developments surrounding Indonesia’s presidential and legislative elections (which were held on Wednesday 17 April 2019). Although the official results will only be announced in late May (as the General Elections Commission, or KPU, will be busy counting all votes up to 22 May 2019) we can already draw several conclusions from these events.

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  • Long Awaited Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Signed

    After nearly nine years of talks and negotiations (although communication between both sides had been put to a halt - amid diplomatic tensions – at more than one occasion over these nine years) Indonesia and Australia finally signed the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) in Jakarta on 4 March 2019. It is an agreement that launches a brand new chapter in economic relations and cooperation between Australia and Indonesia.

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