• Politics & Law in Indonesia: Ahok's Blasphemy Trial

    A high profile trial is about to start in Indonesia. On Tuesday (13/12) incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Cahaya Purnama (better known as Ahok), a Christian of Chinese descent, will visit the Jakarta Court for the first day of his trial. Ahok is prosecuted for blasphemy, an offense that carries a maximum prison sentence of five years in Indonesia. After the Vietnamese iced coffee murder case, this is another huge court case followed not only by the Indonesian people, but also by the international community that is concerned about rising intolerance in Indonesia.

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  • Interview with Jusuf Kalla about the Indonesian Economy

    Throughout the year 2016 the economy of Indonesia was plagued by major challenges stemming from abroad. In fact, most countries around the globe have been busy to soften the impact of low global economic growth on the local economy. In the case of Indonesia, authorities have unveiled a series of 14 economic policy packages aimed at improving investment, trade and purchasing power. Although it remains difficult to implement these packages in full force (due to the low quality of human resources at the local government level or conflicts of interests), they have helped to push Indonesia's economic growth into higher gear.

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  • Palm Oil Industry Indonesia: New Industrial Estate in Berau

    Indonesia's Industry Ministry selected the industrial estate in Berau (East Kalimantan) as the center for the downstream palm oil industry in Kalimantan. Furthermore, Panggah Susanto, the Industry Ministry's Director General for Agriculture industry, said the government proposes to select Berau as one of the palm oil centers within the Palm Oil Green Economic Zone (POGEZ) scheme. Berau is chosen to replace Bontang because the former has 3,400 hectares of (clear and clean) industrial land available, while land in Bontang still falls under "protected forest" status.

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  • World Bank: Malnutrition, Stunted Growth & Policies in Indonesia

    When visiting Indonesia for the first time as World Bank Vice President for the East Asia and Pacific, Victoria Kwakwa stated that the World Bank is committed to support Indonesia’s efforts to achieve higher economic growth and greater prosperity for its +250 million people. During her visit, Kwakwa met various government officials and stakeholders, including Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, as well as representatives from civil society, opinion leaders, analysts and the private sector.

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