In the first eleven months of 2015 Indonesian exports totalled USD $138.42 billion, down 14.3 percent from the same period last year. Being a major commodity exporter, Indonesia has been plagued by the globe's sluggish commodity prices. Of all 22 commodities monitored by BPS, only prices of cocoa and fish managed to rise. As long as there is no rebound in commodity prices, Indonesia's export performance will remain sluggish in the foreseeing future. The country's dependence on commodity exports is the key reason why the Indonesian government is eager to develop the manufacturing sector.

Meanwhile, Indonesian imports reached USD $130.61 billion in the January-November 2015 period, down 20.2 percent from the same period last year.

Falling import and export figures highlight persistently weak economic activity in Indonesia as well as in the world.

Overall, the trade balance of Indonesia shows a surplus of USD 7.8 billion in the first eleven months of 2015.

Trade Balance Indonesia (in USD million):
