• Indonesian Cigarette Producers Face New Tobacco Excise Tax Hike

    At the start of 2018 the Indonesian government will again raise the excise tax on tobacco products (including cigarettes) in Indonesia. The tax will be raised by an average of 10.04 percent, effective per 1 January 2018. Traditionally, the government hikes the tobacco excise tax once per year in search of more tax revenue and to discourage consumption of tobacco products.

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  • Mitsubishi Corporation May Relocate its Jakarta Factory

    Mitsubishi Corporation is considering to relocate its Mitsubishi Fuso factory - where commercial vehicles are built - away from the city in Pulo Gadung (East Jakarta). Noboru Tsuji, Senior Vice President of Mitsubishi Corporation and Division Chief Operating Officer of the Motor Vehicle Business Division, announced this plan.

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  • Nippon Indosari Corpindo Continues to Expand Beyond Borders

    Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Indonesia's largest bread products manufacturer and the only one that is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, continues to expand beyond borders. The company announced that it reached an agreement with Caffe Bene, a South Korea-based coffeehouse chain. Caffe Bene is South Korea's biggest coffeehouse chain and also owns hundreds of stores around the globe.

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