• Update Indonesia's Tax Amnesty Program: 1st Phase Ended Successfully

    The first phase of Indonesia's tax amnesty program ended on Friday (30/09). Contrary to earlier forecasts the first phase of the program can be labeled a success. The Indonesian government collected IDR 97.2 trillion (approx. USD $7.5 billion) in additional tax revenue, or 58.9 percent of the nine-month program's full target (IDR 165 trillion). Indonesia's tax amnesty program, which runs up to 31 March 2017, is divided in three phases. In the first phase the government offered the most attractive tax tariffs to taxpayers who declare and/or repatriate their previously unreported assets.

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  • Foreign Investment in Indonesia's Pharmaceutical Industry

    Foreign pharmaceutical companies have already invested more than USD $1 billion in Indonesia over the past couple of years. These investments involves 34 companies that are all members of the International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Group (IPMG). Parulian Simanjuntak, IPMG Executive Director, informed that these investments have been conducted not only to establish new factories but also for other forms of business expansion as well as marketing. It is estimated that 205 pharmaceutical companies are competing for market share in Indonesia.

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  • Minister Susi Pudjiastuti on Illegal Fishing in Indonesia

    Susi Pudjiastuti, Indonesia's Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, informed that still not all fishery products that are captured in Indonesian seas and waters are reported to the government. For example, in 2015 only 6 million tons of captured fish were reported to authorities, while it is estimated that production in fact reached 7.4 million tons, implying a 18 percent difference between "legal" and "illegal" fisheries production in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia's Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry believes the figure is much higher.

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  • Tax Amnesty Program Indonesia is a Success Except for Repatriations

    Contrary to our earlier predictions, Indonesia's tax amnesty program has been on a roll in September 2016. The program is designed to boost the government's tax revenue by offering tax evaders attractive rates to come clean and declare their previously undeclared assets (whether stashed at home or abroad in the so-called tax havens). Those who join the program can also repatriate offshore assets into Indonesia, into specifically prepared investment instruments where the funds need to stay for at least three years.

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