• Which Brands Dominate the Smartphone Market in Indonesia?

    According to a survey conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), two brands controlled a combined 45 percent of the smartphone market in Indonesia in the second quarter of 2016. These two brands are Samsung (South Korea) and OPPO (China). On third position comes Asus (Taiwan), followed by the local Indonesian brand Advan and China's Lenovo. Data from IDC also show that smartphone sales in Indonesia grew 3.3 percent year-on-year (y/y) and 22 percent month-on-month (m/m) in Q2-2016. Unfortunately these data do not mention the exact sales volume.

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  • Sri Mulyani Indrawati's Thoughts about Indonesia's Economic Growth

    According to Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati the economy of Indonesia will grow 5.1 percent (y/y) in 2016, slightly below the target that was set by the central government in the 2016 State Budget (5.2 percent y/y). This slightly less rosy view is caused by the decision to cut government spending by IDR 137.6 trillion (approx. USD $10.4 billion) this year in order to combat a widening budget deficit (that is mainly caused by weaker-than-targeted tax revenue). A cut in state spending means that the government has less funds to boost economic growth.

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  • Fiscal Update Indonesia: Can the 3% of GDP Budget Deficit Cap Be Widened?

    A commission in Indonesia's House of Representatives advises the government to replace a law that sets a maximum budget deficit limit of 3 percent of gross domestic product. This law was implemented in 2003 after Indonesia experienced the devastating effects of the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s. Traumatic experiences made the government decide to prioritize prudent fiscal policies. Although it is unclear what the exact consequences are if the government would breach this cap (perhaps an impeachment bid could be launched), governments always respected the cap.

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  • Indonesia Issues Travel Warning to Singapore due to Zika Virus

    Indonesia's Ministry of Health - in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - issued a 'travel advisory' for Singapore as the small Southeast Asian nation has been plagued by an outbreak of the Zika virus. By Wednesday (31/08), 82 people were reported to have been infected by the virus in Singapore. By issuing the travel advisory Indonesian authorities discourage citizens from traveling to Singapore, particularly pregnant women are warned. Indonesia is no stranger to mosquito-borne illnesses. The country has to cope with frequent outbreaks of dengue fever and malaria.

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