• Fitch Ratings about Indonesia's Insurance, Automotive & Motorcycle Industries

    New York-based Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global credit rating agencies, expects demand growth in Indonesia's life and non-life insurance sectors to occur over the medium term on the country's (currently still) low insurance penetration rate, improving risk awareness, and the expanding middle class segment within the rising population of Southeast Asia's largest economy. Meanwhile, the credit rating agency believes Indonesia's car and motorcycle sales will remain under pressure in 2016 due to weak consumer spending.

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  • Moody's: Stable Outlook for Rated Indonesian Companies in 2016

    New York-based credit rating firm Moody’s Investors Service expects global economic factors to have less of a negative impact on Indonesian companies in 2016. In its latest report titled "Non-Financial Corporates - Indonesia: 2016 Outlook - Corporate Profits under Pressure but Likely to Stabilize" it states that amid stabilizing economic growth and the recently unveiled government stimulus packages, companies should manage to improve their corporate performances in 2016.

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  • Soechi Lines Eying Opportunities in Indonesia's Maritime Sector

    As Indonesian President Joko Widodo is eager to turn Indonesia into a global maritime force by developing an international hub for sea trade, shipping company Soechi Lines is in a good position to take advantage of this push. Moreover, ever-growing oil consumption in Indonesia causes increasing demand for ship chartering. Soechi Lines has a fleet consisting of 37 ships (including oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers) with a cargo capacity of 1.48 million tons and controlling a market share of 16 percent.

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange: Share Trading Golden Eagle Energy Suspended

    The trading of shares of Indonesian coal miner Golden Eagle Energy has been suspended for the second time this month by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Wednesday (25/11) after the company's share price plunged nearly 76 percent since 2 November 2015. Irvan Susandy, Chief of Transaction Supervision at the IDX, said share trading had to be suspended as Golden Eagle Energy, a subsidiary of Rajawali Corpora, has not provided any information to the IDX that could explain its recent stock performance.

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