• Bank Indonesia Cuts 2015 Inflation Projection to 3.6%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects to see a sharp slowdown in inflation in the last couple of months of 2015. Currently, the annual inflation pace stands at 6.83 percent (y/y). However, by the year-end Bank Indonesia estimates the consumer price index to have eased to 3.6 percent (y/y), which would be in the lower range of its 2015 inflation target (3-5 percent y/y). This update was given by Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo when meeting the Financial Sector Stability Coordination Forum (FKSSK).

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  • Stimulus Measures Indonesia: Tax Incentive Revaluation Fixed Assets

    Effective immediately, the government of Indonesia introduced a new tax incentive that makes it more attractive for companies to revalue their fixed assets. Previously, companies had to pay a ten percent tax on the company's fixed asset growth. As a result, companies tended to refrain from increasing the level of fixed assets resulting in limited tax revenue. The Indonesian Finance Ministry said that companies will only have to pay 3 percent tax on the increased amount, provided that they submit their proposals for fixed asset revaluation before the end of this year.

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  • Q3-2015 Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Grows 18.1% in Rupiah Terms

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced on Thursday (22/10) that foreign direct investment (FDI) into Indonesia climbed 18.1 percent (year-on-year) to IDR 92.5 trillion (approx. USD $6.85 billion) in the third quarter of 2015 from the same quarter a year earlier. The Q3-2015 18.1 percentage point growth was almost the same as the 18.1 percent (y/y) increase in FDI posted in the previous quarter. FDI data from the BKPM does not include investment in the country's banking and oil & gas sectors.

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  • S&P: Indonesia's Electricity Firm PLN Needs better Regulatory Framework

    Credit rating agency Standards & Poor's (S&P) says Indonesia (and Malaysia) need to increase efforts to build a good track record of timely and reasonable power tariffs adjustments in order to ensure decent returns for investors and recover their costs. Delays in energy price revisions, which are sometimes the result of political strategy, are the key risk that jeopardize the financial stability (and credit profile) of state-owned utility company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). S&P therefore advises the Indonesian government to enhance efforts to ensure a sound regulatory framework (i.e. a transparent tariff rate-setting mechanism).

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