• Indonesian Language Proficiency Requirement for Foreign Workers Scrapped

    Several weeks ago it had already been reported that Indonesian President Joko Widodo requested Manpower and Transmigration Minister Hanif Dhakiri to revise a draft regulation (made in 2013) that forces expats to pass a mandatory Indonesian language proficiency test in order to be eligible to obtain a work permit. According to Widodo this regulation jeopardizes the attractiveness of Indonesia’s investment climate.

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  • Demonstration Indonesian Workers: Protesting against Layoffs & Demanding for Higher Wages

    Tomorrow (Tuesday 01 September 2015) around 50,000 Indonesian workers are expected to demonstrate on the streets of Central Jakarta and demand for higher wages. This mass protest is a response to the many layoffs that occurred in Indonesia’s labor-intensive industries in recent months (while more layoffs are expected in the period ahead) as well as a response to people’s weakening purchasing power (curtailed by prolonged high inflation).

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  • Indonesia’s First High-Speed Railway Project: Battle between China and Japan

    According to the latest rumours, the government of Indonesia tends to favour China to build the nation's first high-speed railway that will connect the capital city of Jakarta and Bandung in West Java. Over the past weeks, the ‘battle’ between China and Japan over who will be awarded the contract to construct the high-speed and high-profile railway between both cities (worth approx. USD $5 billion) heightened.

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  • Boosting Indonesia’s Economic Growth: Tax Incentives Awarded to 4 Companies

    Ogan Komering Ilir Pulp & Paper Mills (OKI), a unit of the Sinar Mas Group, has been granted a tax holiday by the Indonesian government for a period of eight years. Other companies that were awarded tax incentives are Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia, Petrokimia Butadine Indonesia, and Energi Sejahtera Mas. Through these incentives the government of Indonesia aims to make Indonesia more attractive for long-term investment thus boosting the nation’s sluggish economic growth.

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