With the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Indonesia touching new record highs on a daily basis, the Indonesian government decided to impose harsher restrictions on Java and Bali (scheduled for 3-20 July 2021; but can be extended).

While on the one hand these measures should help to relieve pressures on hospitals in Indonesia's red zones, they will also undermine economic activity, and thus threaten to derail Indonesia's economic rebound in 2021. So, while Indonesia should exit the ongoing economic recession in the second quarter of 2021, there surfaced doubts whether Indonesia can post positive growth in the third quarter.

Besides the COVID-19 crisis, we also devote time to a range of other topics in this report, including geothermal energy, as well as updates on the electric vehicle battery industry, Garuda Indonesia's financial trouble, alleged data manipulation at the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), deflation, manufacturing activity, ivermectin, and a new tax bill.

The June 2021 report can be ordered by sending an email to info@indonesia-investments.com or a message to +62.882.9875.1125 (including WhatsApp).

Price of this (electronic) report:

Rp 150,000
USD $10,-
EUR €10,-

Take a glance inside the report here!

