Toll Road Development Indonesia: 11 Investors Compete in Tenders
The Indonesia Toll Road Authority (in Indonesian: Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol, or BPJT), which is a department within Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works and Housing, says there are 11 investors that compete for four toll road projects. Combined, these four projects are estimated to have a total value of IDR 41.5 trillion (approx. USD $3 billion). The 11 investors - all having passed the prequalification process - are requested to send their proposals for the tender process. Before the end of 2016, the Indonesian government is expected to announce the winners of the tenders.
The four toll road projects that are tendered by the Indonesian government are: (1) Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu), (2) Serang-Panimbang, (3) Jakarta-Cikampek, and (4) Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar. Herry Trisaputra, Head of the BPJT, said the tenders for these four toll road sections have been opened in June 2016. All investors are welcome to participate in the tenders provided they have the correct skills and financial means to realize the toll road project. It is also allowed for one investor to participate in more than one of these project.
According to data from BPTJ, there are three investors that passed the prequalification for the tender contract for the Cisumdawu toll road. These investors are: (1) the consortium consisting of Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada, Waskita Toll Road, Pembangunan Perumahan, Brantas Abipraya, and Jasa Sarana, (2) the consortium consisting of Jasa Marga, Adhi Karya, Nindya Karya and (3) Wijaya Karya.
For the Serang-Panimbang toll road the following investors passed the prequalification: (1) Waskita Toll Road, and (2) the consortium consisting of Wijaya Karya, Pembangunan Perumahan, and Jababeka Infrastruktur.
Those that passed the prequalification for the tender contract for the Jakarta-Cikampek Elevated II are (1) Pembangunan Perumahan, (2) the consortium that consists of Jasa Marga, Ranggi Sugiron Perkasa, and (3) Waskita Toll Road.
For the Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar toll road the following investors have passed the prequalification process: (1) Pembangunan Perumahan, (2) Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada, and (3) the consortium that consists of Waskita Toll Road, Energi Bumi Mining, and Panca Wira Usaha Jawa Timur.
Indonesian Toll Roads Tendered
Toll Road | Length (km) |
Est. Investments (in IDR trillion) |
Province |
Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) | 58.5 | 10.03 | West Java |
Serang-Panimbang | 83.9 | 11.38 | Banten |
Jakarta-Cikampek | 36.4 | 14.13 | West Java |
Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar | 39.0 | 5.96 | East Java |
Source: Investor Daily