What’s up with the Indonesian Economy? Taking a Look at the Country’s Latest Macroeconomic Data
On 5 February 2025, the Statistical Agency of Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik, BPS) announced that Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP) was recorded at a growth rate of 5.03 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2024. In another article in this month’s edition, we devote an analysis concerning Indonesia’s 2024 GDP growth.
What we are going to do in the article you are reading right now, is giving a detailed overview of the latest available macroeconomic data of Indonesia. This should give us some insight into the performance of the Indonesian economy at the start of 2025.
Consumer Confidence in Indonesia
Consumer confidence is always an interesting statistic when assessing the economic conditions of a country. After all, when consumers are confident and optimistic, they will spend more on various products and services, thereby triggering an increase in economic activity.
Based on the latest released consumer confidence data of Indonesia, released by the country’s central bank (Bank Indonesia), consumer confidence eased slightly at the start of 2025. In January 2025, the consumer confidence index was recorded at 127.2 points, down (narrowly) from 127.7 points in December 2024. Despite this modest decline, Indonesia’s consumer confidence currently remains at a very healthy level (and not far from record high levels).
These are the first couple of paragraphs of the article. The full article (20 pages) is available in our February 2025 report. This report (an electronic report, PDF, in English) can be ordered by contacting us through email and/or WhatsApp:
- info@indonesia-investments.com
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