Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Samsung

  • Which Brands Dominate the Smartphone Market in Indonesia?

    According to a survey conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), two brands controlled a combined 45 percent of the smartphone market in Indonesia in the second quarter of 2016. These two brands are Samsung (South Korea) and OPPO (China). On third position comes Asus (Taiwan), followed by the local Indonesian brand Advan and China's Lenovo. Data from IDC also show that smartphone sales in Indonesia grew 3.3 percent year-on-year (y/y) and 22 percent month-on-month (m/m) in Q2-2016. Unfortunately these data do not mention the exact sales volume.

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  • Indonesia is the 3rd-Largest Smartphone Market in the Asia Pacific

    The number of smartphone users in Indonesia is expected to grow strongly up to (at least) 2019 in line with overall economic growth of Southeast Asia's largest economy in combination with rising Internet penetration as well as the young and large population according to market research company eMarketer. Currently, less than 40 percent of the Indonesian population owns a smartphone (implying a still low smartphone penetration rate), while Indonesia is busy expanding its 4G technology network (a necessity for smartphone or tablet users) across the Archipelago.

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  • Samsung Objects to Indonesia's New Smartphone Hardware & Software Plans

    Samsung Electronics Indonesia, subsidiary of the South Korea-based electronics giant, objects to new proposals currently being studied by the Indonesian government. Although in 2015 a regulation was signed by the government that requires local 4G smartphones manufacturers to use at least 30 percent of locally-sourced hardware content for domestically-sold smartphones (effective per January 2017), Indonesia's Industry Ministry recently proposed new rules regarding the mandatory locally-sourced content of both hardware and software for 4G smartphones.

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  • Samsung Electronics Intends to Enter Indonesia’s Mobile Phones’ Market

    Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, the multinational electronics company headquartered in Suwon (South Korea), said that it plans to establish a factory in Indonesia to produce mobile phones for Indonesia’s domestic market. Samsung Electronics, subsidiary of the Samsung Group (a leading global information technology company), wants to set up the factory in West Java and production is expected to start later this year. Samsung Electronics already owns factories in China and Vietnam.

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Latest Columns Samsung

  • Mandatory Use of Local Components for 4G Smartphones in Indonesia

    Starting from January 2017, 4G smartphone manufacturers in Indonesia will be required to use at least 30 percent of local content in domestically-sold smartphones and at least 40 percent for base transceiver stations (BTS). Earlier this year the Indonesian government had issued a draft regulation on this subject and last week it was signed by Indonesia’s Communications and Information Minister, the Trade Minister and the Industry Minister. What is the impact of this new rule on Indonesia’s smartphone industry?

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  • Mixed Opinions about New Smartphone Regulation of Indonesia

    The recently unveiled Indonesian regulation that forces the country’s 4G smartphone and tablet manufacturers to use at least 40 percent locally-produced components in their cell-phone devices is a source of concern for tech companies such as Apple and Samsung that are eager to expand into Indonesia where smartphone penetration is still low. Moreover, the restriction may encourage smartphone smuggling in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. The new regulation will come into effect on 1 January 2017.

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Associated businesses Samsung