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Latest Reports Gini Coefficient

  • Strategies to Combat Indonesia's Income Distribution Inequality

    Income distribution inequality is a problem in Indonesia, one that can jeopardize social, political and economic cohesion in Southeast Asia's largest economy. When looking at the Gini ratio, which is the coefficient that measures the degree of inequality in income distribution, we see a sharp rise in income inequality in Indonesia in the post-Suharto era. Thus, democracy and decentralization created an environment that allowed for rising inequality. While in the 1990s Indonesia's Gini ratio stood at an average of 0.30, it rose to an average of 0.39 in the 2000s, and remained stable at 0.41 in the years 2011-2015 before easing slightly to 0.40 in 2016.

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  • Economic Development Indonesia Too Java-Centered, Inequality Rises

    The Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) argues that economic development that has occurred during the first two years of the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo is too much centered on the island of Java, Indonesia's most populous island and the political and economic center of Southeast Asia's largest economy. Java, particularly the Greater Jakarta region, contributes about 60 percent to the total Indonesian economy.

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  • GINI Ratio Indonesia Declines: Economic Inequality Narrows

    According to the latest data from Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS), wealth disparity has narrowed slightly in Indonesia, reflected by a declining Gini ratio from 0.408 in March 2015 to 0.397 in March 2016 (zero represents perfect equality, while 1 represents perfect inequality). This development is attributed to several matters, including rising earnings among Indonesia's middle-income segment. BPS noted that this increase comes on the back of government-led labor-intensive infrastructure development projects.

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  • Indonesia's Gini Ratio Fell in 2015; Concerns about Social Cohesion Persist

    Indonesia's Gini ratio (or Gini coefficient), which measures the degree of inequality in income distribution, improved slightly in September 2015. According to the latest data published by Statistics Indonesia (BPS), the Gini ratio of Indonesia fell from 0.41 in March 2015 to 0.40 in September 2015, indicating that income distribution inequality slightly declined (a coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, while a reading of 1 implies maximal inequality). The modest improvement occurred in the urban areas of Indonesia where the Gini ratio fell 0.1 point to 0.43. In the rural areas the ratio remained stagnant at 0.33.

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  • Unemployment Rate of Indonesia Rises Slightly in August 2014

    Amid slowing economic growth, Indonesia’s unemployment rate increased slightly in August 2014. On Wednesday (05/11), Statistics Indonesia announced that 7.24 million Indonesians, or 5.94 percent of the country’s labour force, were without a job. In the previous unemployment report (covering conditions in the month February 2014), Indonesia’s unemployment rate stood at 5.70 percent of the country’s labour force (about 7.15 million Indonesians). The government agency releases Indonesia’s unemployment data twice per year.

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  • World Bank: Poverty Reduction in Indonesia Slows; Inequality Rises

    The World Bank released a news update which states that poverty reduction in Indonesia continues to slow down, with only a reduction of 0.7 percentage points over the last two years, or the smallest decline in the last decade. Meanwhile the institution says that inequality also increased in recent years, potentially disrupting social cohesion and hence jeopardizing the gains from solid economic growth, which has helped to reduce the poverty rate to 11.3 percent in 2014, compared to 24 percent in 1999.

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  • Perceived Growing Income Distribution Inequality in Indonesia

    According to a survey conducted by Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI) most Indonesians believe that Indonesian society is characterized by a high degree of income distribution inequality. Over 90 percent of respondents see income inequality in Indonesia, while about 40 percent of respondents believe there is no equality at all regarding income distribution in Indonesia. With the gap between the country’s rich and poor widening, social cohesion and higher economic growth are at stake in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

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  • Despite Poverty Reduction in Indonesia, Gap between Rich and Poor Widens

    The World Bank said that the widening of income distribution inequality in Indonesia grew at the second fastest pace among Asian countries in the past two decades. Based on the World Bank’s Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) report, Indonesia recorded the second fastest Gini coefficient increase after China. In the period 1990-2011, the Gini coefficient of Indonesia rose by an average of 0.5 percentage point per year. This is a serious matter as social cohesion and economic growth can be jeopardized by increased inequality within Indonesian society.

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  • Gini Ratio of Indonesia May Improve in 2014 on Stable Commodity Prices

    The Gini ratio of Indonesia - the coefficient that measures inequality in income distribution - is expected to improve slightly this year as commodity prices have a stable outlook. Based on data from Statistics Indonesia, the ratio increased significantly since the country's Reformasi period. Between 1999 and 2013, it rose from 0.31 percent to 0.41 percent (a coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, while one implies perfect inequality). In the last three years (2011- 2013), however, the ratio remained stable at 0.41 percent.

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  • Higher Gini Ratio Shows Indonesia's Widening Income Distribution Inequality

    The Indonesian government should take more action to reverse the country's widening income distribution inequality. Indonesia's Gini ratio, the coefficient that measures inequality among income distribution, has risen in 2013 according to economist Lana Soelistianingsih. The Gini coefficient rose from 0.37 in 2012 to 0.41 in 2013 (a coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, while one implies maximal inequality). The growth not only shows that the Indonesian government fails to tackle this problem but also implies social risks.

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Latest Columns Gini Coefficient

  • Rising Income Inequality in Indonesia: the Social Threat

    Although the government of Indonesia aims to lower the country's Gini coefficient to 39 in 2016, there continue to be more reports that see income inequality in Indonesia widening rather than declining. For example, a recent World Bank report notes that Indonesia's Gini coefficient rose from 30 in 2000 to 41 in 2015 (a reading of 0 represents perfect equality, while a reading of 100 represents perfect inequality). This rising trend will continue if the government fails to tackle this issue.

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  • Indonesian Democracy & its Rising Consumer Class: Three Bottlenecks (Part II)

    Agung Budiono - Pol-Tracking Institute - Indonesia Investments - Indonesian Democracy

    In my previous column, I outlined the emergence of a new and promising class of Indonesian consumers that is most likely to bring a positive effect on the country's economic growth in the years ahead. I also pointed out that the level of prosperity of a population is an influential factor towards the state (and future) of democracy in a country: the wealthier a population becomes in terms of per capita GDP, the longer the life expectancy of its democracy will be.

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