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Latest Reports Q2-2013

  • Luxury House Prices in Jakarta Rise 34% (YoY) in Second Quarter 2013

    According to property consulting services company Jones Lang LaSalle, Jakarta is showing the steepest increase in prices of luxury houses among several Asian cities that have been monitored. In the second quarter of 2013, prices of luxury houses in Jakarta increased 34.2 percent year on year, followed by Beijing with a 18.7 percent price growth rate. The only city that saw a depreciation of luxury house prices was Singapore (-2.1 percent). Luxury house prices in Jakarta grew nine percent compared to the first quarter of 2013.

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  • Indonesia's Most Populous Island Java Continues to Dominate the Economy

    The economy of Indonesia continues to be dominated by the island of Java, Indonesia's most populous island with around 130 million people or 60 percent of Indonesia's total population. In the second quarter of 2013, Java contributed 58.15 percent to the nation's total economic growth. Far behind Java are Sumatra (23.90 percent) and Kalimantan (8.73 percent). Within Java, the Greater Jakarta area accounts for 16.50 percent of the country's total economic growth, followed by East Java (15.21 percent) and West Java (14.05 percent).

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  • Indonesia's Economic Growth Slows Down to 5.81% in Q2-2013

    Today (02/08), Indonesia's bureau for statistics announced that economic growth of Indonesia in the second quarter of 2013 reached 5.81 percent (YoY), which is the lowest growth rate since Q3-2010 and also lower than most analysts as well as the Indonesian government expected. The GDP figure reflects Indonesia's cooling economy. For the fourth consecutive quarter, the rate has weakened as the country has been under pressure: high inflation, a widening trade deficit and a weakening rupiah.

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  • Investments in Indonesia are Expected to Rise 25% in Q2-2013

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) expects that investments in the second quarter of 2013 will grow by 25 percent to IDR 96.13 trillion (USD $9.6 billion) compared to Q2-2012. Although Indonesia's economic growth is under threat of slowing down to below an annual growth rate of six percent, the government agency still believes that total investments in 2013 can meet the target of IDR 390 trillion (USD $39 billion). Investments in Q1-2013 were recorded at IDR 93 trillion.

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  • Indonesia Economic Quarterly World Bank Report: Adjusting to Pressures

    On 2 July 2013, the World Bank released its July edition of the Indonesia Economic Quarterly. The report, titled Adjusting to Pressures, touches on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy and places these in a longer term and global context. It regularly updates the outlook for the country’s economy and social welfare, and provides a more in-depth examination of selected economic and policy topics, as well as analyses of medium term development challenges.

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  • Economy of Indonesia Projected to Grow 6% in Quarter II 2013

    According to Bambang Brodjonegoro, current head of the Fiscal Agency (a department under the wings of Indonesia's Finance Ministry), Indonesia's economy will grow 6.0 percent in the second quarter of 2013. This growth rate is lower than originally forecast due to the impact of a global unstable environment. Economic growth in Q2-2013 is also likely to be below the Q1-2013 result of 6.02 percent. A few weeks ago, the government of Indonesia had already revised down its GDP forecast for 2013 from 6.8 percent to 6.3 percent.

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  • Rajasa: Indonesian Government Targets GDP Growth of 6.2% in Q2-2013

    Indonesia's minister of Economy, Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa, stated that the government of Indonesia intends to realize economic growth of at least 6.2 percent in the second quarter of 2013 in order to remain on track for 6.3 percent growth for full year 2013. Although he reminded that it will take hard effort to realize this target, his message contained more optimism than Finance minister Chatib Basri's statement earlier this week who sees 6.0 percent of economic growth as the limit in Q2-2013.

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  • Indonesia's Manufacturing Growth in 2013 Has Not Met Target Yet

    In the first quarter of 2013, Indonesia's manufacturing sector (excluding oil and gas) grew 6.69 percent (YoY). This growth figure is still far below the government's target of 9 percent growth in 2013. However, the minister of Industry, Muhammad Sulaeman Hidayat, remains optimistic that the nine percent growth target will be met in the second quarter of 2013 as production is increasing and investments have been realized. Analysts, however, expect the manufacturing sector to grow 7.14 percent this year (YoY).

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  • Bank Indonesia Revises Down GDP Growth, Interest Rate Kept at 5.75%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia, or BI) kept its benchmark interest rate at 5.75 percent and its overnight deposit facility rate (FASBI) at four percent as the country's core inflation figure is still within the target range of the central bank (3.5-5.5 percent). Core inflation currently stands at 4.12 percent (YoY). However, as the price of subsidized fuel is expected to rise in June, inflation may increase and could trigger a policy response by Bank Indonesia later this year.

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  • Indonesia's P/E Ratio Relatively Low Compared to Regional Economies

    Indonesian newspaper Investor Daily reported that stocks at the Indonesia Stock Exchange are still relatively cheap compared to regional stock indices. Currently, the price to earnings ratio (P/E ratio) of Indonesia's main index is about 18. In contrast, South Korea's Kospi index amounts to 34, Japan's Nikkei 28, Taiwan's Taiex 23, and Philippines' PSE stands at 23 times earnings. As the Indonesian economy as well as its companies' profit figures are projected to grow, the P/E is expected to fall to 16 this year.

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Latest Columns Q2-2013

  • Investments in Indonesia Continue to Slow; Government Revises Target

    Growth of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) in Indonesia has continued to slow down in the first six months of 2013. In the first quarter of 2013, GFCF rose 5.78 percent but in the second quarter the pace fell to 4.67 percent. These results are much lower than last year's quarterly growth rates as can be seen in the table below. In fact, the growth rate in Q2-2013 constitutes the lowest growth rate in the last 13 quarters. In Q2-2013, all sectors experienced weakening investments except for domestic machinery and equipment.

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  • Indonesia Down, Europe Up and Wall Street Sideways on Wednesday

    Indonesia's Composite Index (IHSG), the main stock index of Indonesia, went back into negative territory on Wednesday (24/07) with all sectors closing in the red. Worst performing sectoral indices were construction, agriculture and the miscellaneous industry. This development was in line with the Asian region that showed mixed performances after HSBC's Chinese manufacturing PMI contracted. Stock indices in Europe and the United states, that both close hours after the IHSG ends its daily session, were more positive on Wednesday.

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  • Indonesia's Economic Growth in Q2-2013 Projected at Six Percent

    The slowing pace of investments has made the Indonesian government decide to revise down its forecast for economic growth in the second quarter of 2013. Minister of Finance, M. Chatib Basri, believes that GDP growth will not exceed the six percent threshold in Q2-2013. He explained that there are a number of factors that refrain the government from setting a higher growth assumption. These factors include ailing exports, non-optimal government spending, and diminishing gross fixed capital investment.

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