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Latest Reports Social Housing

  • Investment Climate Property Development: Tough Permit Process

    The Indonesian government aims to provide affordable housing for the nation's poorer (low-income) households through the One Million Houses program, a program that was launched in mid-2015 by Indonesian President Joko Widodo. However, property developers complain that in most regions it is tough to obtain all necessary permits to construct the houses.

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  • Indonesia's One Million Houses Program on Schedule in 2017

    So far this year Indonesia's "One Million Houses Program" is well on its way. Based on information from Indonesia's Public Works and Housing Ministry a total of 499,702 houses were constructed under the program in the first half of 2017, achieving 49.9 percent of the full-year target.

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  • Performance Indonesia's One Million Houses Program Better in 2017?

    Indonesia's Public Works & Housing is hopeful that the government's One Million Houses program will be more successful in 2017 supported by the 13th economic policy package that aims to ease red tape surrounding the construction of low-cost housing for the poorer segments of Indonesian society as well as high demand for property due to improving purchasing power amid low inflation and accelerating economic growth.

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  • Property Sector: Tax Incentive for Indonesia's First-Time Home Buyers

    Through the revision of an existing regulation the Indonesian government aims to support growth in the nation's property sector. The revision involves a tax incentive that allows Indonesia's first-time home buyers to obtain a subsidized lending rate (mortgage). Those first-time home buyers who have a maximum monthly income of IDR 7 million (approx. USD $504) are eligible to enjoy this incentive that falls under the Housing Loan Liquidity Facility (Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan, abbreviated FLPP).

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  • Joko Widodo Continues with Social Housing Plans for Jakarta's Urban Poor

    Joko Widodo, who became Governor of Jakarta in 2012 and enjoys much popular support, has high ambitions to turn Jakarta into a better organized city in terms of public transportation, housing and water management. Currently, Indonesia's capital city - which contains about ten million inhabitants - is plagued by continuous traffic jams, annual floods as well as poor and overcrowded housing for the poorer segments of Jakarta's society. Housing which is frequently flooded.

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Latest Columns Social Housing

  • Joko Widodo to Launch Indonesia’s One Million Houses Program in April

    One of the ambitious targets of the Indonesian government is the realization of the “One Million Houses Program”. Through this program - scheduled to be launched on 30 April 2015 in Central Java by President Joko Widodo - the government aims to provide adequate housing facilities to low income citizens. Over half of these houses will be built using funds from the country’s state budget. State funds will also be used to finance the Housing Loan Liquidity Facility, government-backed mortgages for low-income people.

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