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Latest Reports Bappenas

  • Indonesian Government Needs Private Sector for Faster Internet Connectivity

    Lukita Dinarsyah, Deputy Minister at Indonesia’s Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), said that Indonesia requires at least IDR 278 trillion (USD $23.2 billion) worth of investments to build supporting infrastructure for faster Internet connectivity across the country. Enhanced Internet connectivity is one of the tools to support faster economic growth. Dinarsyah cited a study that claims that with every ten percent growth in Internet users the economy expands by an additional 1.2 to 1.4 percent.

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  • Poverty in Indonesia: Around 34.4 Million Indonesians Live in Slums

    According to data from Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works there were 34.3 million Indonesians living in slums in August 2014. Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto stated that he wants the involvement of the Ministry of Housing, the National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas), and the Ministry of Environment to resolve this issue. Currently, around 11.3 percent of the Indonesian population is poor. Head of Bappenas, Armida Alisjahbana, earlier stated to target to ease Indonesia’s poverty rate to 9-10 percent by 2015.

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  • Poverty in Indonesia: Government Targets Poverty Rate of 9.5% in 2015

    Armida Alisjahbana, Head of the National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas) expects that Indonesia’s poverty rate will ease to 9-10 percent in 2015, from 11.3 percent currently. The minister is optimistic that the target for next year can be achieved because the government is currently optimizing several poverty alleviation programs. These programs are arranged in four clusters (expounded below). According to Alisjahbana, the key to success of these programs is good coordination between the central and regional governments.

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  • Bappenas Expects Indonesia to Record a Trade Surplus in 2014

    Indonesian exports are expected to rise 6.7 percent to IDR 1,399.7 trillion (USD $123.9 billion) in 2014 as a number of advanced markets (including the United States) have been showing signs of improving economies (the calculation of the figures was done by the Ministry of National Development Planning also known as Bappenas). Increased demand from these advanced markets will result in more exports of Indonesian manufactured products. Indonesian exports of natural resources, on the contrary, are expected to slow.

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  • Bappenas: Indonesian Inflation Rate Can Be Kept Below 6% in 2014

    Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas) Armida Alisjahbana is optimistic that Indonesia's inflation rate will stay below the six percent mark in 2014. After seeing inflation ease to 7.75 percent (year-on-year) in February (from 8.22 percent in January), Alisjahbana in fact believes that inflation can be kept below 5.5 percent (just within the target range of Bank Indonesia). Limited inflation is important in the context of poverty eradication. The country's poverty rate is targeted to ease to 10.5 by the year-end.

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  • Reducing Poverty Through Indonesia's National Medium Term Plan

    The government of Indonesia targets economic growth rates in the range of six to eight percent per year in the period 2015 to 2019. By the end of this period, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita should reach around USD $7,000. According to Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas) Armida Alisjahbana, if these targets are met then Indonesia can escape from the middle income trap by 2019. The middle income trap occurs when growth stagnates after reaching middle income levels.

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  • Bappenas More Optimistic about Indonesia's Economic Growth in 2014

    Indonesia's Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) is optimistic that economic expansion in Southeast Asia's largest economy will exceed the 6 percent mark in 2014, thus outpacing growth last year which reached 5.78 percent (yoy). According to Minister Armida S Alisjahbana, two factors will contribute positively to Indonesia's GDP growth in 2014. These are the legislative and presidential elections (scheduled for April and July 2014) as well as the improvement of Indonesia's trade balance.

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  • Bappenas: Indonesia Needs IDR 7.200 Trillion for Infrastructure Development

    The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) estimates that between 2015 and 2020 the country needs IDR 7.200 trillion (USD $600 billion) for investments in infrastructure. However, the central government can only supply about 25 percent of the needed investments. These figures are the preliminary results of a study conducted by Bappenas. The study, which focuses on Indonesia's infrastructure development in the period 2015 to 2020, is expected to be completed by March 2014.

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  • 24 Indonesian Provinces Have Set New Regional Minimum Wage for 2014

    Per 14 November 2013, 24 Indonesian provinces have confirmed their new provincial minimum wage for the year 2014. As Indonesia numbers 34 provinces in total, 10 more provinces are expected to announce their new minimum wages soon. It is interesting to note that of the 24 provinces that have already published the new minimum wage, 11 provinces have set the minimum wage below the assumed need for decent living in the province, which implies that the minimum wage is not enough to finance a person's minimum monthly basic needs.

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  • Poverty Reduction: One of the Ambitions in Indonesia's RPJMN Plan

    The government of Indonesia aims to reduce the country's poverty rate to between 6.5 and 8.0 percent by 2019. The government, through its Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), is currently busy finalizing the targets of the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019 (RPJMN 2015-2019). This RPJMN is the third phase of implementation of the National Long-Term Development Plan 2005-2025 (RPJPN 2005-2025) which forms the basis for ministries and government agencies when formulating their policies.

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Latest Columns Bappenas

  • Non-Optimal Public Spending on Infrastructure Development in Indonesia

    Public spending on infrastructure development in Indonesia is not optimal. Sofyan Djalil, Indonesia's National Development Planning Minister as well as Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), says immature and non-integrated planning between ministries and other government agencies as well as between the central and regional governments cause inefficient and non-optimal infrastructure spending. Non-optimal infrastructure development implies that Indonesia's overall economic growth as well as social development cannot achieve its full potential.

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  • Bappenas Ambitious to Curb Indonesia's Poverty and Unemployment Rates

    Indonesia's Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) wants to see declining unemployment and poverty rates in 2016 as economic growth improves in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Bappenas official Bambang Prijambodo said accelerated infrastructure development in the second half of 2015 and 2016 should manage to create more employment opportunities. Furthermore, the recent series of economic stimulus packages released by the Indonesian government aims to improve the country's investment climate and therefore should trigger more private investment.

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  • Poverty Eradication and Unemployment Reduction Below Target in Indonesia

    After Indonesia's outlook for economic growth in 2014 was revised down from 6 percent to between 5.8 and 6 percent, the government also revised targets of poverty and unemployment reduction. In the 2014 State Budget (APBN 2014), the government set the targeted poverty rate at 9.0 to 10.5 percent of Indonesia's total population. However, the government revised down this poverty rate to between 10.54 and 10.75 percent, which is also far below the target that was set in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) at 8 to 10 percent.

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  • Indonesia Designs Three Scenarios for Infrastructure Funding in the RPJMN

    The government of Indonesia - through its Ministry of National Development Planning (known as Bappenas) - designed three funding scenarios for Indonesia's infrastructure development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2015-2019). The lack of appropriate infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks to Indonesia's development. The scenarios involve the amount of funds and other requirements for infrastructure investment. The three scenarios are divided into a 'full scenario', a 'partial scenario' and a 'baseline scenario'.

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  • Poverty Rate of Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2013 due to Higher Inflation

    Indonesia's poverty rate is expected to jump to between 11.13 and 11.37 percent of the total Indonesian population in 2013 due to inflationary pressures. Inflation may reach 9.2 percent at the year end. The new poverty forecast is significantly higher than the government's original target of 9.5 to 10.5 percent as set in the country's State Budget. The revised forecast was presented by Indonesia's Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas). Poverty basket inflation is expected to rise accordingly.

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  • Indonesian Government Wants to Increase Fuel Subsidy Spending in 2013

    Although Indonesia’s government stresses the need to relieve pressure on the state budget (by raising the price of subsidized fuel next month), it plans to allocate an additional IDR 16.1 trillion (USD $1.65 billion) to this year’s fuel subsidy budget. The additional allocation, which covers fuel, LPG and vegetable fuels, will raise government expenditure on fuel subsidies to IDR 209.9 trillion (USD $21.50 billion) from the IDR 193.8 trillion drafted in the original 2013 state budget (APBN 2013). Total energy subsidies will grow to IDR 309.9 trillion this year.

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