Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Downstream Industry

  • Investment in Indonesia: Investors Not Attracted by Tax Incentives

    Although the Indonesian government offered various attractive incentives to investors (tax holidays and tax allowances) in 2017 in an effort to encourage investment in pioneering industries (particularly the downstream oil & gas industry), there were no companies that took advantage of these incentives. How come investors were not interested in these incentives?

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  • Downstream Palm Oil Industry of Indonesia in Development

    Bayu Krisnamurthi, President Director of the Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDP-KS), said total exports of palm oil and its derivatives in the first quarter of 2016 reached 7.42 million tons. It is interesting to note that 87.2 percent of this total figure (or 6.47 million tons) comprises processed palm oil products, while the remainder consists of crude palm oil (CPO), implying that the downstreaming of the palm oil sector is developing smoothly. Krisnamurthi says the imposition of export levies on CPO has managed to encourage the development of downstream industries in the nation's palm oil sector.

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  • Indonesia Studying Temporary Exemption for Export of Raw Minerals

    Although Indonesia continues with its plan to ban the export of raw minerals from 2014 onward as stipulated by the 2009 Mining Law, the government is studying the possibility to exempt companies temporarily from this rule if they show serious intentions to build processing factories or smelters in Indonesia in order to produce value-added products. Indonesia is still mainly a raw commodity-exporting country and thus misses out on value-added revenue while being more susceptible to volatility in commodity prices on the global market.

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  • Fraser Institute Survey: Indonesia's Mining Sector Needs Legal Certainty

    In a new survey, conducted by the Fraser Institute, that assesses the state of the investment climate in the mining sector in 2012-2013 in countries around the globe, Indonesia is ranked at number 96. Both tax and regulatory uncertainties in Indonesia's mining sector are cited as reasons for the low ranking of the country. As investments in the mining sector are capital intensive and long-term in nature, investors thus need a clear legal framework that is not susceptible to sudden changes due to political issues.

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Latest Columns Downstream Industry

  • Palm Oil Industry Update: Indonesia & Malaysia Cooperate in Council and Special Zone

    Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's leading crude palm oil (CPO) producers and exporters, will cooperate for the development of a special economic zone on Indonesian territory to boost the palm oil industry's downstream industry. Private companies will be given incentives to invest in this zone and develop industries to process CPO into olein, a key ingredient for the production of cosmetics and margarine. Furthermore, both countries plan to establish the Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries.

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