Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Netherlands

  • Netherlands Stops Development Aid to Indonesia per 2020

    The Netherlands plans to stop sending development aid to five countries, including Indonesia, from 2020 onward. Lilianne Ploumen, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, said the relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia - after 2020 - can be labeled "trade partners" only. Besides Indonesia, the Netherlands also plans to scrap development aid for Ghana and Kenya. Ploumen added that Dutch parliament wants to focus on disbursing development aid to those unstable countries located in or around Europe.

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  • Indonesia Attracts $606 mln Worth of Investment Commitments from the Netherlands

    Rosan Roeslani, Chairman of Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia), is optimistic that investment from the Netherlands into Indonesia will continue to grow in the years ahead as the Indonesian government has been focused on improving the investment climate of Southeast Asia's largest economy. President Joko Widodo's visit to the Netherlands (22-23 April 2016) resulted in about USD $606 million worth of Dutch investment commitments, signed on Friday (22/04) in The Hague.

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  • Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Visit the Netherlands on 21-22 April

    For the first time in 16 years an Indonesian president will visit the Netherlands. Starting on 21 April 2016 Indonesian President Joko Widodo will pay a two-day state visit to the former colonial masters as the last part of his short visit to the European Union. The main aim of the visit to the Netherlands is to enhance economic ties between both nations. Widodo (often called "Jokowi") will be welcomed by Dutch King Willem-Alexander, meet Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, visit Maasvlakte 2 (a major civil engineering project in the port city of Rotterdam), and meet various Dutch businessmen.

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  • Foreign Visitor Arrivals to Indonesia Increase 7.2% in Semester I-2013

    The number of foreign tourists that visited Indonesia in the first six months of 2013 grew 7.2 percent to 4.15 million compared to the same period in 2012. Elka Pangestu, minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, said that there has been a significant surge in visitors from Asia and the Middle East. Foreign visitor arrivals originating from the United Arab Emirates rose 91 percent, followed by Saudi Arabia (22.8 percent), China (19.2 percent), Egypt (17.1 percent) and Hong Kong (16 percent).

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Latest Columns Netherlands

  • Dutch Queen Maxima Visits Indonesia to Monitor Financial Inclusion Program

    The Queen of the Netherlands, Maxima, visited Indonesia between 11-13 February 2018 to monitor the progress of Indonesia's Financial Inclusion Program, a program that was launched in August 2016 during Maxima's last visit to Indonesia. Hence, during her latest visit, the Dutch Queen came in her role as the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.

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  • Dutch Trade Mission in Indonesia: Rutte Addressed Parliament

    Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte addressed Indonesian Parliament on Wednesday (23/11) in Jakarta. In his speech he praised Indonesia for rapid economic development that has been booked over the past decade and also touched on the sensitive subject of the colonial period. Rutte acknowledged that the Netherlands waited too long before apologizing (in 2005) for excessive violence that occurred shortly after the Second World War when the Dutch tried to reconquer their former colony.

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  • Ahead of Trade Mission to Indonesia, Dutch War Graves Vanish in Java Sea

    Several days before a big Dutch trade mission visits Indonesia to enhance bilateral trade relations between both nations, there surfaced reports of three missing Dutch warships. These warships had been sunk by Japanese forces during the Battle of the Java Sea in February 1942 and had been lying on the bottom of the Java Sea off the coast of Java ever since (or, more precise, were believed to be lying there). After divers discovered the wrecks in 2002, the site was declared a war grave. The Dutch government is demanding a full investigation into this violation of a war grave.

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  • Netherlands Sends Trade Mission to Indonesia, Rutte Addresses Parliament

    On 23 November 2016 Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will become the first Dutch prime minister to address Indonesian parliament. It is rare for foreign political leaders to speak to Indonesian parliament. Rutte's speech is part of a four-day Dutch trade mission program to Indonesia. Mark Rutte is accompanied by Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Lilianne Ploumen, Infrastructure and the Environment Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen and Environment Minister Sharon Dijksma. In recent years the Netherlands and Indonesia have both been eager to enhance bilateral relations.

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  • Queen Máxima (Netherlands) Visits Indonesia for Financial Inclusion Talks

    Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, who was in Indonesia for a three-day visit (30 August - 1 September), emphasized the importance of financial inclusion. Máxima, who came in her role as United Nation's Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), met several high-positioned policy makers and officials (including Indonesian President Joko Widodo) in Jakarta and made a field trip to a school in Bogor (West Java) to inspect a student savings program that was initiated by Indonesia's Financial Services Authority (OJK).

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  • Joko Widodo Visits Europe: Germany, Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo kicked off his short European tour on Monday (18/04) in Berlin (Germany) where he met German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bilateral relations between Indonesia and Germany are important because Germany is Indonesia's largest trading partner in the European continent and Indonesia's seventh-largest investor. Merkel praised Indonesia's economic development amid the complex context (having more than 255 million citizens and consisting of over 17,000 islands). Both state heads talked about strengthening existing partnership in vocational education in several sectors.

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  • Studying Abroad More Expensive for Indonesians as Rupiah Weakens

    Indonesia's heavily depreciated rupiah makes it more difficult for Indonesians to study abroad or to send their children to universities abroad without having the financial aid in the form of a scholarship. For those that are thinking of making such a decision, they need to take into account the performance of the Indonesian rupiah as well as the inflation outlook in the country of destination. So far in 2015, the Indonesian rupiah has depreciated 18 percent against the US dollar, 9 percent against the euro, 14 percent against China's yuan, and 2.4 percent against the Australian dollar.

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  • International Relations Indonesia: Tensions after Execution Drug Convicts

    After five foreigners and one Indonesian citizen were executed by firing squad on early Sunday morning (18/01), diplomatic tensions have risen. Despite international appeals from Brazil and the Netherlands, the Indonesian government decided to go-ahead with the execution of six convicted drug traffickers, involving four men (from Brazil, the Netherlands, Malawi and Nigeria), and two women (from Indonesia and Vietnam). Brazil and the Netherlands have recalled their ambassadors from Jakarta.

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  • Jakarta's Giant Sea Wall & National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

    The Indonesian government is still studying the feasibility study for the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) masterplan. The NCICD masterplan, a joint project between the governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands, aims to protect the capital city of Jakarta against floods caused by high tides and faciliates sustainable development of Jakarta. The masterplan is developed by a consortium headed by Witteveen+Bos (main contractor) and Grontmij, with subconsultants KuiperCompagnons, Deltares, Ecorys and Triple-A.

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  • The Netherlands Sends Largest Ever Trade Mission to Indonesia

    This week, a group of Dutch politicians and businessmen, led by prime minister Mark Rutte, will pay a four day visit to Indonesia. The aim of the visit is to smoothen bilateral relations and search for business opportunities between both countries. This Dutch group, which includes more than one hundred Dutch company delegates, forms the largest Dutch trade delegation that has visited Southeast Asia's biggest economy in the modern history. However, relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia are still complex today.

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