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Latest Reports Capital Inflow

  • Indonesia Gets Investment Grade Credit Rating Status from S&P

    This is a great day for Indonesia's financial markets. Global credit rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) assigned investment grade status to Indonesia's sovereign rating, upgrading it from junk status, hence now being on par with the investment grade rating as assigned by the other leading credit rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investors Service. The investment grade status from all three leading credit rating agencies should unlock a fresh flow of capital into Indonesia.

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  • Indonesian Foreign Exchange Reserves at USD $97.0 billion in October 2013

    Indonesia's foreign exchange (forex) reserves totalled USD $97.0 billion at the end of October 2013, up USD $1.3 billion from the previous month (USD $95.7 billion). Consequently, the current level of foreign exchange reserves is equivalent to 5.5 months of imports and the government’s foreign debt payment. Bank Indonesia considers the current stockpile of forex reserves adequate to bolster external sector resilience and is above international adequacy standards.

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  • Indonesia Turns into Bullish Market as Quantitative Easing Continues

    The Federal Reserve's decision not to change its quantitative easing program seems to have led to a bullish market in Asia. Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) rose 4.37 percent to 4,658.2 points after the first session on Thursday's trading day (19/09). All sectoral indices were up, with the property sector in leading position. Big cap stocks, in particular, performed well. Investors are relieved that the Fed did not alter its stimulus program. Thus, funds are expected to continue flowing to emerging markets, including Indonesia.

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  • Federal Reserve Continues Quantitative Easing at US $85 Billion a Month

    Despite widespread speculation that the Federal Reserve would tone down its quantitative easing program (QE3) by approximately USD $10 to $20 billion after the FOMC meeting on Wednesday (18/09), the central bank of the USA decided to continue its monthly USD $85 billion bond-buying program as it downgraded its outlook for US economic growth to between 2.0 and 2.3 percent. Chairman Bernanke said that the economic context of the USA is still far from conducive to alter its strategy.

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  • Weakening of Indonesian Rupiah Against US Dollar is Part of Global Trend

    According to various analysts and the central bank of Indonesia, the weakening of the IDR rupiah should not be too alarming as there currently is a global trend in which currencies, worldwide, weaken against the US Dollar. This situation is triggered by the economic recovery that has been experienced by the world's largest economy recently. Compared to other ASEAN members, the rupiah's decline is normal. The central bank adds that foreign capital inflows will return and will strengthen the country's currency.

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  • Capital Outflows from Indonesia as Fed's Quantitative Easing May End

    Emerging markets, such as Indonesia, have been feeling the impact of a recovering economy in the United States. Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that, if the economy of the USA continues its improving trend, it will end its quantitative easing program gradually in 2013 until a complete stop in 2014. As Indonesia is one of the emerging economies that benefited from the spillover effects of the Fed's monthly bond-buying program, the country now feels the negative impact of the possible stop to the program.

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Latest Columns Capital Inflow

  • Analysis of Indonesia’s 5.62% Economic Growth Rate (GDP) in Q3-2013

    Indonesia will most likely not meet its original GDP growth target of 6.3 percent (stipulated in the 2013 State Budget). Yesterday (06/11), it was announced by Statistics Indonesia that Indonesia’s GDP growth figure in the third quarter of 2013 was recorded at 5.62 percent (year-on-year, yoy), the weakest quarterly growth figure since 2009 when the global financial crisis impacted on Southeast Asia’s largest economy. In 2013, Indonesia feels the global impact again, in combination with domestic factors.

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