Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Roads

  • Toll Road Development Indonesia: 11 Investors Compete in Tenders

    The Indonesia Toll Road Authority (in Indonesian: Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol, or BPJT), which is a department within Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works and Housing, says there are 11 investors that compete for four toll road projects. Combined, these four projects are estimated to have a total value of IDR 41.5 trillion (approx. USD $3 billion). The 11 investors - all having passed the prequalification process - are requested to send their proposals for the tender process. Before the end of 2016, the Indonesian government is expected to announce the winners of the tenders.

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  • Infrastructure in Indonesia: Update Trans-Sumatra Toll Road Development

    Indonesian Minister for Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono doubts that construction of the Trans-Sumatra toll road will be completed by 2019. The minister already informed Indonesian President Joko Widodo about his concern. As usual, the main issue that forms a time-consuming matter in infrastructure projects in Indonesia is land acquisition. And while land prices on Sumatra are relatively cheap, the sheer size of land that needs to be purchased for this toll road makes it a challenging process. Regarding the Trans-Java toll road, on the contrary, Minister Hadimuljono says completion by 2018 is possible.

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  • Toll Road Development Indonesia: State-Owned Companies Take Over

    Two of Indonesia's state-controlled companies will acquire at least 11 toll road concessions (with a total length of 525.7 kilometers and combined value of IDR 53.5 trillion or approx. USD $4.1 billion) from the private sector in the next two years. Toll road operator Jasa Marga is expected to acquire four toll road projects with a total length of 262.3 kilometers, estimated to be worth IDR 18.4 trillion (approx. USD $1.4 billion). Meanwhile construction firm Waskita Karya plans to acquire seven toll road projects (with a combined length of 263.4 kilometers), take-overs estimated to require IDR 35.1 trillion (approx. USD $2.7 billion) of investment.

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  • Infrastructure Indonesia: Government Offers Toll Road Projects

    Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works and Housing said the government plans to offer three toll road projects to investors in the first quarter of 2016: (1) Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) in West Java, (2) Serang-Panimbang in Banten, and (3) Legundi-Bunder in East Java. These projects are part of the Indonesian government's target to add 1,000 kilometers of new toll roads up to 2019 in an effort to enhance the country's infrastructure development, hence improving connectivity across the archipelago and reduce logistics costs.

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  • Government of Indonesia Preparing 2016 Infrastructure Projects

    Although Indonesian President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo pledged to boost infrastructure development across Indonesia, government spending on infrastructure projects was sluggish during his first year in office due to budgetary and organizational reforms (including cutting the energy subsidies). A positive sign, however, is that government spending on infrastructure development and the number of groundbreaking ceremonies for infrastructure projects rose in the second half of 2015 as reforms were completed.

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  • Groundbreaking Trans-Sumatra Toll Road; Infrastructure Projects Indonesia

    Today, Indonesian President Joko Widodo will lay the first stone for the groundbreaking ceremony of the 2,700 km Trans-Sumatra toll road project, linking Lampung to Aceh on the resource-rich island of Sumatra (Indonesia’s second-largest island in terms of geographic size). The toll road, which is one of the key priority infrastructure projects for the Indonesian government, is estimated to require a total of IDR 300 trillion (USD $23.1 billion) of investment. Ten years after parts of the toll road were first tendered, construction can finally commence.

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  • Construction Trans-Sumatra Toll Road Expected to Start in April 2015

    The Indonesian government will speed up construction of the 2,700 kilometers-long Trans-Sumatra toll road by revising Presidential Regulation No 100/2014 on Toll Road Construction in Sumatra and by accelerating the land acquisition process. The Trans-Sumatra toll road will become the main highway on Sumatra that connects Banda Aceh in the north to Bandar Lampung in the south through 24 sections stretching across ten provinces. President Joko Widodo said that construction of the highway is to start in April 2015.

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  • Land Acquisition Issue Limits Development of Indonesia's Toll Roads

    In the past ten years, Indonesia has seen its toll roads expand by about 300 kilometers only. In 2004, the total length of the country's toll road network was 611 kilometers. In 2014, it reached a length of 918 kilometers. This slow growth of toll road development is alarming as the lack of quality and quantity of infrastructure is one of the major bottlenecks for Indonesia's economic development. (as subsequent high logistics costs put off investors). The difficulty of land acquisition is possibly the most notorious stumbling-block for infrastructure development.

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  • Update on Floods in Jakarta: Water Subsiding but Risks Remain

    On Sunday (26/01), Indonesia's National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that the floods in Jakarta have led to 23 casualties (due to drowning, electrocution or the impossibility for sick people to reach the hospital) in the last two weeks in Indonesia's capital city, while almost 28,000 people are still displaced from their homes. The good news, however, is that in many parts of Jakarta floodwaters have begun to subside since the end of last week although several neighborhoods remain flooded up to this day.

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Latest Columns Roads

  • Toll Road Development in Indonesia Disappointing in 2016

    Approaching the end of 2016 it is interesting to take a look whether the Indonesian government achieved its target in terms of infrastructure development. In this column we zoom in on toll road construction. Before 2016 started the central government - under the leadership of President Joko Widodo - targeted to see the construction of 136 kilometers of new toll roads this year. However, two weeks before the end of 2016 only 44 kilometers of new toll roads have been developed this year, achieving only 32 percent of the target.

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  • Indonesia Plans to Offer 10 Toll Road Projects to Investors

    The Indonesian government plans to offer 10 toll road projects - with a total length of 520.83 kilometers - to investors before the end of the year. The projects are estimated to have a total value of IDR 109.58 trillion (approx. USD $8.3 billion). The offering of these projects are in line with the government's efforts to boost infrastructure development across the country. Such development will enhance inter and intra island connectivity, thus curbing the nation's high logistics costs and offer a more attractive investment climate to (potential) investors.

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  • Waskita Karya: Right Company, Right Time to Focus on Toll Road Construction

    Construction company Waskita Karya is expected to be among the main beneficiaries of the multi-year Trans-Java toll road project. The company, in which the Indonesian government owns a 68 percent stake, has been assigned to develop six (out of a total of 19) sections of the Trans-Java toll road including the sections Pemalang-Batang, Solo-Ngawi and Ngawi-Kertosono. Waskita Karya's participation in this project will not only strengthen the company's investment portfolio in Indonesia's toll road sector but will also imply rising precast concrete sales of its subsidiary Waskita Beton Precast (established in 2013).

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  • Infrastructure Projects Indonesia: Semanggi Flyover Jakarta

    Construction of a new big infrastructure project in Indonesia has started: the Semanggi flyover in Jakarta's central business district. The project involves two additional elevated ramp roads above the existing intersection at Semanggi (hence creating an interchange). Improving the existing road infrastructure at this location is required in order to ease severe traffic congestion that occurs on working days. The project, which requires high-end technology, kicked off on Friday (08/04) and is scheduled to be completed in August 2017, ahead of the 2018 Asian Games.

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  • Infrastructure Development Update Indonesia: Trans-Sumatra Highway

    In 2015, Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works will start with the land acquisition process for the construction of the Trans-Sumatra Highway. This highway is a 2,732.2 kilometers-long toll road connecting Banda Aceh in the north of Sumatra to Bandar Lampung in the south through 23 routes that connect ten provinces. The total land area that needs to be acquired is roughly 218,976 million m² and is expected to cost around IDR 15 trillion (USD $1.3 billion). By 2025, construction of the project should be finished.

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  • Indonesia Designs Three Scenarios for Infrastructure Funding in the RPJMN

    The government of Indonesia - through its Ministry of National Development Planning (known as Bappenas) - designed three funding scenarios for Indonesia's infrastructure development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2015-2019). The lack of appropriate infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks to Indonesia's development. The scenarios involve the amount of funds and other requirements for infrastructure investment. The three scenarios are divided into a 'full scenario', a 'partial scenario' and a 'baseline scenario'.

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Associated businesses Roads