Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Smartphones

  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As) on the Rise in Indonesia

    The number of mergers and acquisitions in Indonesia rose 5.4 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 136 deals up to August 2017, mostly involving technology companies. In terms of value, on the other hand, M&As in the first eight months of the year actually fell 9.9 percent (y/y) to USD $6.8 billion. However, not all M&A deals in Indonesia have revealed the value of the deal.

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  • iPhone 7 Launched in Indonesia, Apple Invests in Innovation Center

    American multinational technology company Apple Inc soon has to realize 40 percent of its total USD $44 million worth of investment plans in Indonesia if it wants to keep distributing its iPhone 7 on the Indonesian market. Late last year Apple committed itself to invest a total of USD $44 million in the establishment of innovation centers in Indonesia over the next three years. However, 40 percent of the total is required to be invested in the first year (which is 2017).

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  • By 2019 All Indonesians Should Have Access to Internet

    Indonesia's Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara says all Indonesians across the whole archipelago will be able to enjoy Internet access by 2019. Through the Palapa Ring project, one of Indonesia's priority infrastructure projects, all cities and districts in Indonesia will have fast broadband Internet through an undersea fiber-optic cable network that stretches across 13,000 kilometers as well as an onshore network of nearly 22,000 kilometers.

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  • Apple to Develop 2nd-Largest Research & Development Facility in Indonesia

    Indonesian Communication & Information Minister Rudiantara informed on Wednesday (02/11) that American multinational technology company Apple Inc. - famous for designing, developing, and selling consumer electronics, computer software, and online services - will start building its second-biggest research and development facility in Indonesia somewhere in 2017. Although Apple has not commented on the news, Rudiantara confirmed that he had met several representatives from both Apple's Asia Pacific office and the US headquarters.

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  • Which Brands Dominate the Smartphone Market in Indonesia?

    According to a survey conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), two brands controlled a combined 45 percent of the smartphone market in Indonesia in the second quarter of 2016. These two brands are Samsung (South Korea) and OPPO (China). On third position comes Asus (Taiwan), followed by the local Indonesian brand Advan and China's Lenovo. Data from IDC also show that smartphone sales in Indonesia grew 3.3 percent year-on-year (y/y) and 22 percent month-on-month (m/m) in Q2-2016. Unfortunately these data do not mention the exact sales volume.

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  • Indonesia Has 100 Million Internet Users, Internet Penetration at 40%

    The Association of Internet Service Providers in Indonesia (APJII) announced that Internet penetration in Indonesia has now reached 40 percent of the population, or 100 million Internet users. Jamalul Izza, Chairman of the APJII, said this milestone is the result of the joint efforts the government, Internet services providers and other stakeholders to make Internet access available across the archipelago and create a conducive regulatory environment. However, it also implies that 60 percent of the population - some 150 million people - still live without Internet.

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  • Samsung Objects to Indonesia's New Smartphone Hardware & Software Plans

    Samsung Electronics Indonesia, subsidiary of the South Korea-based electronics giant, objects to new proposals currently being studied by the Indonesian government. Although in 2015 a regulation was signed by the government that requires local 4G smartphones manufacturers to use at least 30 percent of locally-sourced hardware content for domestically-sold smartphones (effective per January 2017), Indonesia's Industry Ministry recently proposed new rules regarding the mandatory locally-sourced content of both hardware and software for 4G smartphones.

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  • 4G Technology Brings Opportunities for Indonesia's Telecoms Tower Companies

    Although advanced markets have already been enjoying 4G technology (short for fourth generation) for a couple of years, Indonesia is still in the middle of developing and expanding its 4G network across the archipelago. This context implies that Indonesia's telecommunication tower providers have ample opportunity for growth, supported by rising smartphone penetration. Within the next five years, the smartphone penetration rate of Indonesia is estimated to grow from 37 percent to 50 percent.

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  • Smartphone Users in Indonesia to Grow Sharply in the Years Ahead

    The number of smartphone users in Indonesia is expected to grow by an average of 33 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2013 and 2017 according to research conducted by Nielsen Informate Mobile Insights. The number of smartphone users in Indonesia is expected to grow from an estimated 52 million to 87 million in 2017. This growth is primarily supported by Indonesians under the age of 30 years. It is estimated that 61 percent of the total number of Indonesian smartphone users are below 30 years. On average, Indonesian users spend 129 minutes per day on their smartphones.

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Latest Columns Smartphones

  • What Do Indonesians Do with Their Smartphones on Internet?

    The number of smartphone users in Indonesia is rising rapidly in line with growing per capita GDP and widening Internet penetration across the Archipelago. Based on data from research institute eMarketer there were 69.4 million smartphone users in Indonesia at the end of 2016. Moreover, the number of Indonesian smartphone users is expected to grow to 103 million by 2018, which would make Indonesia the fourth-largest smartphone market worldwide after China, India and the United States.

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  • Mandatory Use of Local Components for 4G Smartphones in Indonesia

    Starting from January 2017, 4G smartphone manufacturers in Indonesia will be required to use at least 30 percent of local content in domestically-sold smartphones and at least 40 percent for base transceiver stations (BTS). Earlier this year the Indonesian government had issued a draft regulation on this subject and last week it was signed by Indonesia’s Communications and Information Minister, the Trade Minister and the Industry Minister. What is the impact of this new rule on Indonesia’s smartphone industry?

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  • Mobile Phone Industry Indonesia: Smartphone Penetration Still Low

    The government of Indonesia targets to see 35 million domestically-produced mobile phones (per year) starting from 2017. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s wireless network is to be upgraded to 4G speeds by the same year (a 4G network is the new necessity for those with smartphones or tablets) although currently the country’s telecommunication operators are still in the middle of building receivers to boost 3G utilization. The government hopes to see a total of USD $4.5 billion investment in the telematics sector.

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  • Mixed Opinions about New Smartphone Regulation of Indonesia

    The recently unveiled Indonesian regulation that forces the country’s 4G smartphone and tablet manufacturers to use at least 40 percent locally-produced components in their cell-phone devices is a source of concern for tech companies such as Apple and Samsung that are eager to expand into Indonesia where smartphone penetration is still low. Moreover, the restriction may encourage smartphone smuggling in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. The new regulation will come into effect on 1 January 2017.

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  • Domestic Consumption, Smartphones and Social Media in Indonesia

    The high level of consumption in Indonesia is remarkable. In fact, household consumption in Indonesia is an important engine of economic expansion in Southeast Asia’s largest economy as it accounts for about 55 percent of economic growth. One of the most popular consumption products are gadgets, in particular mobile gadgets. Just take a look in urban environments in Indonesia; everywhere people are holding, playing with, and communicating through some sort of mobile technological device.

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Associated businesses Smartphones