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Latest Reports Ship Transport

  • Soechi Lines Eying Opportunities in Indonesia's Maritime Sector

    As Indonesian President Joko Widodo is eager to turn Indonesia into a global maritime force by developing an international hub for sea trade, shipping company Soechi Lines is in a good position to take advantage of this push. Moreover, ever-growing oil consumption in Indonesia causes increasing demand for ship chartering. Soechi Lines has a fleet consisting of 37 ships (including oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers) with a cargo capacity of 1.48 million tons and controlling a market share of 16 percent.

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  • Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati: Indonesian Sea Logistics Service Provider

    The company file of Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati has been added to the Indonesian Companies section. Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati, a subsidiary of Indika Energy, is a leading Indonesian integrated services provider of sea logistics and transshipment. The company focuses on the transport of natural resources, particularly coal, and bulk materials. In the first half of 2013, its net profit grew 7.1 percent (yoy) to USD $19.5 million and the company's revenues increased 10 percent to USD $74.9 million.

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  • Profile of Trans Power Marine: Indonesian Ship Transport Company

    Indonesia Investments added the company profile of Trans Power Marine in the Indonesian companies section. Trans Power Marine (TPMA) is a listed Indonesian shipping company that engages in the transport of bulk goods, in particular coal. Although coal prices have plunged in recent years, the financial performance of Trans Power Marine was relatively unaffected because most of the company's customers are end-users. The company conducted its initial public offering (IPO) in February 2013.

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