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Latest Reports Kadin Indonesia

  • Apindo Sees 2 Strategies to Boost Indonesia's Export Performance

    The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) proposes two strategies to boost Indonesia's export performance in 2017: (1) seek new export markets and (2) export 'halal' products (which adhere to Islamic law) to the Middle East. Last week Indonesia's Trade Ministry revised down its export target for 2017. The Ministry now expects Indonesia's export performance to grow 5.6 percent (y/y) to USD $136 billion this year (from an estimated USD $129 billion in 2016). The revision makes the nation's export target in line with the slow recovery of international demand.

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  • Tax Amnesty Program Indonesia: First Phase Extended?

    According to reports in Indonesian media, President Joko Widodo is willing to extend the deadline for the first phase of the government's tax amnesty program. Originally, this first phase, which sets the most attractive tax rates for those who decide to declare previously undeclared assets and - if desired - repatriate their offshore assets into Indonesia, was designed to end on 30 September 2016. Rosan Roslani, Chairman of Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia), said Widodo is willing to extend the deadline on request of Indonesia's business community.

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  • Kadin Indonesia: Government Needs to Focus on Employment & Education

    Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) appreciates the 11 economic stimulus packages that have been released by the central government since September 2015. However, Kadin regrets to see that the central government does not put the issue of job creation as the basis of any package. Rosan Roeslani, Chairman of Kadin (and whose name was mentioned in the controversial Panama Papers), said all 11 packages answer to the desires of certain groups (such as investors and industries) but unemployment remains untackled.

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  • Indonesia Needs less Energy Subsidies, more Green Infrastructure Investment

    Indonesian vice president Boediono stated at the opening of the two-day Green Infrastructure Summit in Jakarta (29/04) that Indonesia's heavily subsidized energy prices might be the key reason why the country has failed to make its development policy more environment friendly. According to Boediono, a national consensus - involving the central and regional governments, businesses, lawmakers and other stakeholders - is needed to systematically curb Indonesia's large energy subsidies.

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Latest Columns Kadin Indonesia

  • Sri Mulyani: Indonesian Economy Needs a Green Growth Model

    Although recently having slowed, Indonesia has experienced solid economic growth over the past ten years, with the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) almost doubling between 2001 and 2012. However, robust economic growth also resulted in significant environmental degradation and accelerated depletion of Indonesia’s natural resources. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, World Bank Group Managing Director (and former Indonesian Finance Minister), emphasized that Indonesia needs to shift from a ‘brown’ to a ‘green’ growth model.

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  • Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce: Economic Growth Will Slow in 2014

    This year, legislative and presidential elections will be held in Indonesia. Obviously, there is a strong relationship between the politics and economics of a country. Businessmen from various sectors of Indonesia's economy have already been voicing their views. As the umbrella organization of the Indonesian business chambers and associations, Kadin Indonesia recently shared its views about the elections as well. The institute believes that the 2014 elections will run smoothly because Indonesia's democracy has matured.

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