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Latest Reports US Department of Agriculture

  • Indonesian Coffee Export & Production Growing, Vietnam still Hoarding

    Indonesian coffee shipments to Europe have risen on the back of the weak rupiah and larger coffee harvest. Robusta bean exports from the island of Sumatra grew 22.1 percent year-on-year in June 2015. Meanwhile, European traders expect these strong shipments to continue into July. The Indonesian rupiah is the worst-performing emerging currency in Asia tracked by Bloomberg, weakening about 7.2 percent against the US dollar so far this year. The positive side of a weak currency is that the country's exports become more attractive.

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  • Weather Conditions in Brazil and Indonesia Cause Surge in Coffee Prices

    Prices of coffee have surged 24 percent in 2014 as Brazil experienced the warmest January ever and the least rainfall in 20 years. Being a major arabica bean producer, Brazil's weather conditions particularly influence the arabica coffee price. The arabica coffee price has jumped 26 percent in seven trading sessions, the highest level since July 2000. Meanwhile, weather forecasts do not seem to indicate the arrival of a sufficient amount of rainfall in the remainder of February and March before the dry season kicks in in April.

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