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Latest Reports Health

  • Indonesia’s House of Representatives Approves Omnibus Health Bill; What Changes?

    Indonesia’s House of Representatives Approves Omnibus Health Bill; What Changes?

    On Tuesday 11 July 2023, Indonesia’s House of Representatives (or DPR) passed the Omnibus Health bill into law. The only two political parties (both opposition parties) that voted against this bill were the Democratic Party (PD) and Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). Main reasons behind their rejection involved the rushed deliberation, and the removal of mandatory government spending on the health sector.

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  • Can Indonesia's Healthcare Industry Cope with the Growing Number of COVID-19 Patients?

    Although Indonesia’s healthcare industry has grown in terms of size and access in recent years, concern persists about the quality and capacity of Indonesia’s healthcare industry. Hence, those Indonesians who have enough money at their disposal (or expats residing in Indonesia) often prefer to travel to a hospital in Singapore or Malaysia when they need a medical checkup or treatment.

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  • Important Tips for Expats in Indonesia: How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19 Infection?

    Although Indonesia still has a relatively low number of confirmed novel coronavirus cases (COVID-19), namely 790 per Wednesday 25 March 2020, it is assumed that this number will rise rapidly in the weeks, perhaps months, to come. Some expats have decided to leave Indonesia and head back to their home country, while others have remained in Indonesia. Those expats who remain here, what can they do to limit risks of becoming infected with COVID-19?

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  • 70% of the Indonesian Population Joins Universal Healthcare Program

    Per September 2017 around 70 percent of the Indonesian population participates in the government's universal healthcare program (in Indonesian: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional or JKN), a program that was implemented by the social security agency Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS) in early 2014. This government-subsidized program aims to provide all Indonesian citizens with access to a wide range of health services by 2019.

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  • Tobacco Advertising on Television Banned in Indonesia?

    Commission I of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) plans to revise Law No. 32/2002 on Broadcasting by adding a full ban on the advertisement of tobacco-related products on television and radio. Indonesia's tobacco industry, a massive industry in Southeast Asia's largest economy, objects to this plan. This ban would also have a big affect on government revenue (excise duties on cigarettes are a key source of government revenue) as well as on revenue generated by media institution because tobacco companies are the fifth-largest advertiser in Indonesia.

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Latest Columns Health