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Latest Reports National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

Latest Columns National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

  • Widodo Orders Jakarta's Land Reclamation Project to be Replanned

    Although development of the 17 artificial islands off the coast of Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta has been suspended (for six months) due to alleged violations of and/or hiatuses in Indonesian law, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (known as Ahok) says he is certain that the ambitious land reclamation project will be continued after the moratorium. The construction of these 17 artificial islands is a project that is separate from (but highly integrated with) the central government's National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) plan, better known as the Great Garuda.

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  • Land Reclamation Indonesia: Van Oord & Boskalis Work on Pluit City

    Dutch dredging contractors and marine engineering companies Van Oord and Boskalis have been awarded a contract to design and construct the artificial island off the coast of (North) Jakarta. On this (160-hectares sized) artificial island a new city - called Pluit City - will be developed. The contract, valued at EUR 350 million (split equally between the two Dutch companies) was handed to the Van Oord-Boskalis joint venture by Muara Wisesa Samudra. The project aims to relieve pressure on densely populated Jakarta.

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  • Jakarta's Giant Sea Wall & National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

    The Indonesian government is still studying the feasibility study for the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) masterplan. The NCICD masterplan, a joint project between the governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands, aims to protect the capital city of Jakarta against floods caused by high tides and faciliates sustainable development of Jakarta. The masterplan is developed by a consortium headed by Witteveen+Bos (main contractor) and Grontmij, with subconsultants KuiperCompagnons, Deltares, Ecorys and Triple-A.

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