Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Tjahjo Kumolo

  • New Cabinet of Indonesia (2014-2019): Meet Joko Widodo’s Ministers

    After a week of speculation, Indonesian President Joko Widodo presented the composition of his working cabinet on Sunday afternoon (26/10). The final composition took some time as 8 of Widodo’s ministerial candidates failed to pass the screening of the country’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). Although Widodo was not forced to have his candidates screened by these two institutions, he wanted to make sure that they have clean records in terms of corruption.

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  • Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo and Jusuf Kalla Preparing Official Announcement

    Although we are still waiting for the official announcement (which is expected to follow shortly), more and more signs are pointing towards the nomination of Jusuf Kalla as the running mate (or vice-presidential candidate) of Jakarta Governor Joko "Jokowi" Widodo in the presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014. The pair will have the full support of the PDI-P, NasDem, PKB and Hanura coalition. The chairmen of the NasDem (Surya Paloh) and PKB (Muhaimin Iskandar) have reportedly confirmed that Kalla will be the running mate.

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Latest Columns Tjahjo Kumolo

  • Government of Indonesia Supports Development Meikarta Project

    Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, made a statement in support of the Lippo Group's controversial Meikarta integrated township project. At the Indonesia Future City & REI Mega Expo 2017 on Thursday (14/09) Kumolo said Indonesia's regional governments should not unnecessarily obstruct private projects that help to develop the regional economy. He cited Meikarta as an example.

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