Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Tenders

  • Mining News Indonesia: Government to Tender 5 Mining Areas

    The government of Indonesia is preparing tenders for five mining areas. These mining areas were previously operated by listed miners Vale Indonesia and Timah under coal mining licenses (in Indonesian: Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara, or PKP2B) and contracts of work (in Indonesian: Kontrak Karya, or KK).

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  • Tenders Indonesia: West Semarang Drinking Water Supply System

    The Indonesian government is preparing the tender for the construction of the West Semarang Drinking Water Supply System worth IDR 1.10 trillion (approx. USD $83 million). Sri Hartoyo, Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, said the winner of the project is targeted to be announced before the end of 2017. Hartoyo added that authorities are now still in preparation for the procurement of business entities.

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  • Power Sector Indonesia: PLN to Tender Java I Steam & Gas Power Plant in June

    Five high-profile consortia have expressed their interest to develop the USD $2 billion Java I steam & gas power plant in Muara Tawar, Bekasi (West Java). State-owned utility company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), owner of this project and the company that is responsible for distributing electricity to the nation's 255 million people, said it is scheduled to tender this mega-project in June 2016. Indonesia's electrification ratio (the percentage of Indonesian households that are connected to the nation's electricity grid) is low at around 82 percent, implying there are still dozens of millions of Indonesians who lack access to electricity.

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  • Indonesia Offers 19 Geothermal Blocks to Investors in 2016

    The government of Indonesia plans to offer 19 geothermal blocks to investors in 2016 through tenders and direct assignment. Yunus Saifulhak, Chief of Geothermal Power at the Energy Ministry's Directorate General, said eight blocks will be offered through open tenders, while the 11 remaining geothermal power blocks will be given to state-owned enterprises. These 19 blocks are part of a larger package consisting of 27 geothermal blocks with a total combined power capacity of 1,535 megawatt (MW) that is to be offered to private and state-owned investors in the 2016-2017 period.

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  • Government of Indonesia to Auction Geothermal Power Blocks

    The government of Indonesia will offer 21 geothermal blocks to investors over the next two years. Combined these 21 blocks, which are estimated to require USD $4.2 billion in investment, have a power generation capacity of 1,065 megawatt (MW). An official of Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said most of the geothermal power blocks will be offered through an open auction. The first auction is expected to take place in March 2016.

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  • Oil & Gas Blocks for Sale in Indonesia: Profit Sharing Made more Attractive

    The government of Indonesia decided to offer more attractive profit sharing schemes in order to lure investors to invest the nation’s oil & gas blocks. In September, the government plans to auction a total of eight oil & gas blocks with a profit sharing of 30 percent to 35 percent for oil, and 35 percent to 40 percent for gas. The majority of profit will still go to the government. Usually, the government offers a 15 percent profit share for oil and a 30 percent profit share for gas to investors.

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  • Infrastructure Development in Indonesia to Accelerate?

    Indonesia’s rapidly growing population in combination with robust economic growth and underinvestment in infrastructure development has resulted in the country’s current lack of quality and quantity of infrastructure. This situation causes a steep increase in logistics costs and blocks efforts to develop and realize national and regional economic potentials (an efficient logistics system is crucial for socioeconomic development of Indonesia). However, government spending on infrastructure development is set to start soon.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 5 April 2015 Released

    On 5 April 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as an analysis of March inflation, the new letter of credit (L/C) policy for key commodity exports, the appointment of Pertamina as operator of the Mahakam block, and more.

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  • Tenders in Indonesia: Infrastructure & Construction Tenders Delayed

    The deadline for tenders for various infrastructure projects in Indonesia has been extended by the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry because it needs more time to determine the number of projects to be offered and to calculate new budget allocations for these projects. Ministry official Hediyanto W. Husaini said that his ministry is optimistic that by early May 2015 all construction projects can be tendered. Currently, only 9,578 construction projects (about 70 percent of total planned projects) can be tendered.

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  • Public-Private Partnerships Indonesia: 4 Projects to Be Offered in 2015

    The government of Indonesia plans to tender four projects to the private sector through the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme. The projects are the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road, the Manado-Bitung toll road, a drinking water supply in Semarang, and the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Railway. Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economics Sofyan Djalil said that three out of the four projects, all considered priority projects by the government, are to be offered to the private sector at the end of 2015.

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Latest Columns Tenders

  • Oil & Gas Industry: Indonesia to offer Open Bid Split Tender Schemes

    There is few interest from the private sector to participate in Indonesia's oil & gas block tenders. Besides Indonesia's unconducive investment climate (that includes weak government management, bureaucracy, an unclear regulatory framework and legal uncertainty), low global petroleum prices have also managed to curb investors' enthusiasm. In a bid to entice private investors the Indonesian government has decided to change the concept for oil & gas tenders in 2016 from a fixed revenue split to an open bid split scheme.

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  • Government of Indonesia Cancels Construction Cilamaya Seaport

    The government of Indonesia decided to relocate the planned Cilamaya deep seaport project in West Java to a different location (possibly Subang or Indramayu) as the initially proposed location is too closely located to an oil and gas block operated by Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java, a subsidiary of state-owned energy company Pertamina. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that it would be dangerous to construct the seaport close to this block as there is a high likelihood that ships will hit oil and gas rigs.

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  • Soekarno-Hatta Railway Project Indonesia: Tendered to Private Sector

    The Indonesian government changed the funding scheme for the construction of the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Railway project (which will connect Soekarno Hatta International Airport, located nearby Jakarta, and Halim Airport in Jakarta). Previously, it was planned that this project, valued at IDR 26 trillion (USD $2.1 billion), would be offered through a public-private partnership (PPP) construction in which the Indonesian government would finance 55 percent of the costs. Now, however, the project is offered fully to the private sector.

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  • Indonesia’s Quest for Energy Security: 25 Geothermal Projects Tendered

    The Indonesian government plans to tender 25 new geothermal development sites with a total combined capacity of 1,225 megawatt (MW). These 25 projects will require a total of USD $4.6 billion worth of investments and help to achieve the government’s target to raise the portion of geothermal energy in the country’s energy mix to 7.1 percent by 2025. These 25 projects are in addition to the 31 geothermal development projects that are currently being constructed and which should be operational by 2020.

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  • Indonesia Tenders 21 Oil & Gas Blocks; Overview of the Indonesian Oil Sector

    General Director of Oil and Gas at the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Edy Hermantoro said at the 38th IPA Convention and Exhibition on Friday (23/05) that the Indonesian government plans to tender a total of 21 blocks of oil and gas in a first bidding round in 2014. This involves 13 conventional oil and gas blocks and eight non-conventional (shale) oil and gas blocks. The government expects that these oil and gas blocks will add 3.5 billion barrels of oil and 107.7 trillion cubic (tcf) of gas resources.

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