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Latest Reports BPN

  • Boosting Certainty through Indonesia's Land Certification Program

    The government of Indonesia will raise efforts to accelerate the land certification program. By 2025 it targets all land across Indonesia to be certified, hence no longer being plagued by unclarity regarding the legal status of land. Sofan Djalil, Minister of Land and Spatial Planning, said his ministry targets to issue 1.03 million new land certificates this year, followed by five million in 2017, seven million in 2018, and nine million in 2019. After 2019, the ministry targets to issue 10 million land certificates per year. Clarity about land ownership improves social justice and makes infrastructure projects less difficult.

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Latest Columns BPN

  • Indonesia Vulnerable to Land Disputes as Few Plantation Estate is Registered

    The plantation sector of Indonesia is vulnerable to land disputes. Noor Marzuki, a Director at the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, or BPN), a non-departmental government institution, said that currently only 30 percent of Indonesia's total plantation estate area has been registered at the BPN. This implies that 70 percent of Indonesian plantation estates are unregistered and thus susceptible to land conflicts. The total size of Indonesia's plantation estate area is 120 million hectares.

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