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Latest Reports Minimum Wage

  • Indonesia Investments' Research Report Released: November 2019 Edition

    On Thursday (5/12) Indonesia Investments released the November 2019 edition of its monthly update. The report aims to inform the reader of the key political, economic and social developments that occurred in Indonesia in the month of November 2019 and also touches upon key international developments that made an impact on the Indonesian economy.

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  • What Are the Minimum Wages in Indonesia in 2018?

    Local governments in Indonesia have been announcing their new minimum wages in recent weeks. According to national law, municipal minimum wages have to be announced before 21 November 2017 (and will come into effect on 1 January 2018). Overall, the Indonesian government set a 8.71 percent increase in minimum wages for 2018. This way it allows the Indonesian workers to adjust to continuously rising living costs.

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  • What are the Minimum Wages in Indonesia in 2015?

    A total of 29 Indonesian provinces have already confirmed their new provincial minimum wages for the year 2015. Overall (excluding the four remaining provinces), the average Indonesian minimum wage rises 12.77 percent (y/y) in 2015. Although this growth is considerable, it is smaller than Indonesia’s minimum wage growth in 2014 (19.10 percent y/y). The highest minimum wage growth occurred in the province of Bangka Belitung (28 percent), while the lowest wage increase was in Riau (0.58 percent).

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  • Minimum Wages Indonesia: Ahok & Jakarta’s Minimum Wage Growth

    Acting Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the minimum provincial wage for Jakarta (Upah Minimum Provinsi) will not exceed IDR 2.7 million (USD $221) in 2015. This new minimum wage would mean a 10.3 percentage point increase from Jakarta’s current minimum wage of IDR 2.44 million (USD $200). According to the acting Governor, the new minimum wage would be above the needed salary to have an acceptable standard of living in the capital city of Indonesia (which Ahok puts at IDR 2.53 million or USD $207).

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  • What Explains Current Declining Business Confidence in Indonesia?

    According to the latest Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR), released on 26 June 2014, confidence of Indonesian businesses regarding the country’s economy as well as business environment experienced a significant decline in the second quarter of 2014 from a net balance of 78 percent¹ in the previous quarter to 48 percent. However, despite this decline, optimism amongst Indonesian business owners is still ahead of the global average at 46 percent. Indonesia is ranked fourteenth among the 34 surveyed economies.

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  • Manufacturing Industry of Indonesia also Expected to Slow in 2014

    The Indonesian government revised down its target for the country's manufacturing growth in 2014 to 6 percent year-on-year (yoy) from 6.4 to 6.8 percent (yoy) previously. Main reason for the downgrade was the lower than expected GDP growth result in the first quarter of 2014. Earlier this week, Statistics Indonesia announced that the Indonesian economy expanded 5.21 percent in Q1-2014, the slowest quarterly growth pace since the fourth quarter of 2009. Last year, Indonesia's manufacturing sector grew 6.19 percent (yoy).

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  • Indonesia's Strategy to Avert the Impact of Federal Reserve Tapering

    Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi said that the Indonesian government is preparing two strategic steps to anticipate the negative impact of the winding down of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program. In January 2014, the Fed's bond-buying program will be reduced from USD $85 billion to USD $75 billion per month. The two strategic steps, which will enhance financial stability in Southeast Asia's largest economy, involve the curtailing of Indonesia's current account deficit and high inflation.

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  • 24 Indonesian Provinces Have Set New Regional Minimum Wage for 2014

    Per 14 November 2013, 24 Indonesian provinces have confirmed their new provincial minimum wage for the year 2014. As Indonesia numbers 34 provinces in total, 10 more provinces are expected to announce their new minimum wages soon. It is interesting to note that of the 24 provinces that have already published the new minimum wage, 11 provinces have set the minimum wage below the assumed need for decent living in the province, which implies that the minimum wage is not enough to finance a person's minimum monthly basic needs.

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  • New Minimum Wage Jakarta Set at IDR 2.4 Million ($213) per Month in 2014

    After two days of demonstrations by tens of thousands of Indonesian workers, the Governor of Jakarta (Joko Widodo) raised the capital's minimum wage to IDR 2.4 million (USD $213) per month. The new minimum wage, proposed by the Jakarta Wage Council, will be implemented in 2014 and constitutes a 10% increase from the current minimum wage of IDR 2.2 million. The workers, however, had demanded for a minimum wage of IDR 3.7 million causing various institutions and analysts to express concerns about the impact on the investment climate.

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  • Demand for Higher Minimum Wages Hurts Indonesia's Investment Climate

    On Monday (28/10), another large-scale demonstration took place in the center of Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city. The workers that participated in the strike demanded a new minimum wage for Jakarta's provincial government due to the country's recent high inflation rate after prices of subsidized fuels were raised in June 2013, thus curbing people's purchasing power. The workers demand for the new minimum wage of IDR 3.7 million (USD $327) per month. However, these developments can hurt the investment climate in Indonesia.

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Latest Columns Minimum Wage

  • Wages of Indonesian Employees Reregulated (3/3)

    In previous weeks we discussed the new Ministry of Manpower regulation number 78 of 2015 concerning Wage (New Regulation). We explained the regulations set by the New Regulation related to the wage structure, non-wage and calculation of wage of employees in Indonesia. We also discussed the regulations regarding the payment of wage during absence of employees in Indonesia. In the column of this week we discuss the regulations set by the New Regulation regarding minimum wages and the imposition of fines by the employer to the employee.

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  • Indonesia Increasingly Important Investment Destination for Japan

    After China and India, Indonesia is currently the third most important investment destination for Japanese investments in the manufacturing sector. In 2011, Indonesia - Southeast Asia's largest economy - was still ranked number five on that list. However, in recent years the country managed to surpass Thailand and Vietnam. This fact indicates the important link between Indonesia and Japan. The chief executive officer of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Hiroshi Watanabe, confirmed these findings.

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